
Monster Hunter Will Not Be an Annual Series in the Future, New Monster Hunter Generations Demo Now Live

The Executive producer of the Monster Hunter series, Ryozo Tsujimoto, revealed in an interview that they hope to reduce the wait of Western gamers for the release of their game series. Although there has been two US version of Monster Hunter games in the past two years, Tsujimoto says that they're "not dogmatic about whether this is an annual franchise."

He stated that the reason why it has come out annually in the US is because of the timing it takes for the games to be localized. In addition, they have managed to refine the localization process to make it reach the Western continent quicker. So, he hopes that in the future, Monster Hunter games will be released simultaneously in Japan and US. Check out his official statement below:

"Even in Japan, we're not dogmatic about whether this is an annual franchise. We don't have to release one every year. With the number of games that have come out in Japan, it may have wound up being annual, more or less, but it isn't because we decided to make that a deadline.

"Talking about the west, as you say, this is the first time we've had two years in a row with a new Monster Hunter game, which is great for our fans. We've seen a lot of feedback from players about the amount of time it takes us to bring a new game over from Japan. Localization has to be done. We've tried to refine that process and make it more efficient, so that we've been able to make that gap shorter and shorter. This is the shortest wait we've had so far. It's still a matter of months, but in the past some titles have taken up to a year. We're getting closer and closer to the Japanese release time frame.

"In the future, I'd love to be able to reduce that wait even further and get Monster Hunter out simultaneously in the U. S. and Japan. We'll keep doing our best to bring our games to western players as fast as possible. We appreciate everyone's patience." — Ryozo Tsujimoto

In other Monster Hunter Generation news, the worldwide demo for the game had begun and some gamers are lucky enough to try the game for the first time. You can check out the video by youtuber AbdallahSmash026 to see the demo in live action.

Monster Hunter Generation will be release on July 15th on Western part of the globe.

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