
Ubisoft says that The Division's PC version is "In Check" with PS4/ Xbox One Editions

Though it will have more graphical settings, Ubisoft purposefully kept the PC version of The Division somewhat "in check" with the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 editions of the third-person shooter. That's according an Ubisoft developer who recently spoke about the game's PC edition.

"One good thing about The Division is we've always considered the PC as a separate platform," the developer said on this Team Epiphany preview (via NeoGAF). "We do have to keep it in check with the consoles; it would be kind of unfair to push it so far away from them. But it's been good having a dedicated PC build for this game. "

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"I'm really happy that we're pushing the PC build as much as we are; there's a lot more customized options than the console," he added.

The console versions of The Division will offer some PC-like graphical settings. Xbox One and PS4 players can even make use of these settings to improve frame rate if they want.

After multiple delays, The Division's full release is now scheduled for March 8. A closed beta was held at the end of January, and according to an unverified report, an open beta will start later this month.

An Xbox One bundle featuring a 1 TB system and a copy of the game will be available at launch. Additionally, you can get the game for free with the purchase of a new Logitech mechanical keyboard.

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