Green Dragon Nest Survival Guide- Stage 2: Swamp Golem Morgon [DN SEA]
Green Dragon Nest Survival Guide- Stage 2: Swamp Golem Morgon
* Weak to fire, resist dark and ice
* Crit resist 6250
Once boss appears, get your Saint to buff you or have someone start a countdown timer. Once 40 seconds have passed, get ready to run to the activated Life Geyser! (All buff will be cleared once you got onto the geyser. Debuff will not be cleared.)
A notice will appear on the screen every 50 seconds (After gotten down from Life Geyser) and Poison Gas will be released on the field. One of the 5 platforms on the map will start glowing. All party members are supposed to jump onto the Life Geyser generated by the platform to stay alive during AOE Poison.
*You only have 5 seconds to move to the right platform.
1 Priest cast Miracle Hand few seconds after gotten off from Life Geyser. The party should try to maximize their DPS during this 18 seconds! Once Miracle Hand ended, Mercenary casts Panic Howl to ensure the party won't get knocked down before going onto Life Geyser.
Everyone gather at the middle and prepare to run once ~40 seconds have passed since last AOE Poison, Priests cast Curing Hand while Acrobat or Academic cast their speedup buff to assist party members move towards the Life Geyser quickly.
*Paladin try to provoke the boss at 2o'clock of the map because there are no geyser there. The boss might block the view when looking for geyser.
*Zoom in your minimap. Use F1-F6 messages to let your party members know where is the Life Geyser. *DO NOT cast Shield Block when running towards the Life Geyser as the flower attacks might slow you down.
Basic Attacks of Morgon
* Hook Punch
* Raise Leg Stomp: This doesn't hit the whole field, but only a small AOE around it. You won't get hit at 3,6,9,12 o'clock around him.
* Homing Ice Ball: Will freeze target. Can be cured with Curing Hand / Miracle Hand. Deals additional damage if there are other party members around yourself. Elemental aura reduces the frozen time.
Morgon will go Berserk at his 3rd HP bar and covers himself with Poison Mist. All his attack skills will be powered up and imfused with dark/poison elements. The berserk status actually has a certain duration , but he will keep renewing his Berserk status until it dies.
New Attacks at 3rd HP Bar
* 4-Direction Poison Wall: His Circle Kick will generate 4-directional poison walls. He will definitely cast this immediately after he finish his Berserk casting. Poison status can be cured with Curing Hand / Miracle Hand. High damage, multi hit.
* 1-Direction Poison Wall: His hook punch will generate a poison wall which wil move forward.
* Poison Geyser: His Raise Leg Stomp will have increased AOE and Poison Geyser will appear around him after the stomp (large AOE but not whole screen). 4 rows of geyser will spawn, radiating from him towards pt members. It has homing effect, hard to avoid unless you are very far away.
* Back-sitting Attack: Quick casting. Head turns to the left before casting, will cause faint. Will hit the area directly to the back of the boss. Heavy damage.
* Confusion Cloud: Spit poison cloud in the front direction. Clear all buff. Confusion status will be applied ("?!" icon appear on you if you are hit). The directional arrow key (either left-right or up-down) will be reversed. Can be cured with Curing hand/miracle hand/relief. You can use auto-run to move forward too.
New Attack at Final HP Bar
* 3-Hit Stomp (Similar to Bishop Golem): Raises its right arm, and smashes the floor 3 times. Whole screen attack. Can be avoided with jump or any invincible/damage reduction skills. Very heavy damage.
* Jumping stomp: Mouth wide open, both arms at his waist level, jump up high and stomp. Very heavy damage. Cause Faint. Whole field attack. Avoid with jump.
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