
Destiny: The Taken King Guide- Best Strategy to Defeat Oryx in the King's Fall Raid

Credits: The King Has Fallen: Best Strategy for Defeating Oryx (SPOILERS) Guide by Rossitizer

After defeating Oryx I decided to share my wisdom and the best strategy to defeat him. Very few teams have been able to defeat the final boss so I hope this walk through of the fight helps out. I do recommend everyone on the fire team be above 292 light with at least 1 or 2 above 295 so your team can do adequate damage. A Titan bubble seems to be necessary also as no teams have taken the king down without the extra firepower of Weapons of Light. Feel free to add me as a friend on Xbox and I'll try and assist in your raid: Pink Av3nger

There are 3 positions for the raid: - relic runner : grabs the relic, busts the vessel shield - totem holders : hold open the totems, kill ogres - floater : assists with ogre control

1) After summoning Oryx to start the fight the entire team kills the minions that spawn near the front of the arena including 2 knights that spawn on top of the front 2 totems.

2) Once all minions are down the totem holders (4) should run to their specific totems and wait. Oryx will go to either the left or right totem to start. Whichever way he goes the relic runner must be ready to go that way.

3) Oryx slams his fist down on the totem and as soon as he starts raising it the relic runner followed by the totem holder for that specific totem jump onto the the first totem thus starting the invisible platforms.

4) One by one the totem holders must jump onto their respective totems but it must be in the correct order. It goes counter clockwise every time. Communication is absolutely key. My team would say, "Pink Av3nger on!" Followed by the next guy saying "so and so is on" until all four totem holders are on their platforms.

5) The relic runner does just as he did during the daughters of oryx fight by jumping platform to platform until the end where he grabs the relic. The entire fight is based on the relic so if you miss it or someone dies or steps off a totem it's a wipe.

6) While the relic runner is making his way for the relic Ogres will spawn in the 4 corners by the totems. Killing the ogres as fast as possible is essential to success. The totems across from each other need to communicate and work together to take down the ogres. The ogres spawn in order of the totems being activated.

7) The floater in middle has the task of assisting killing Ogres as fast as possible. Fusion rifles and snipers take them down quick.

8) Once the relic runner grabs the relic he needs to communicate everyone off totems. At this point everyone can get off totems and finish off Ogres if need be.

9) The relic runner takes the relic to the front of the map where a ship has spawned and dropped off a yellow knight named the vessel. At this point the relic runner dunks on the vessel breaking his shield and giving the runner immortality boost.

10) Once the vessel has shield down everyone should be gathered in middle and all need to take down the vessel as fast as possible. It is at this point when the weapons of light should be dropped to assist taking down the knight.

11) Once the vessel is down and everyone is together in middle you all need to look to where oryx is at (will still be at the first spot where he slammed his fist) and watch. He will slam his fist once more and then his chest will turn white. Everyone should utilize the weapons of light and hit him HARD in the chest. This is where being a high light level is key because if you don't do enough damage to him to stun he claps and kills everyone. Fusion rifles and machine guns wreck him as he does not have a crit shot chance at all. Remember to utilize weapons of light and stay next to the relic runner as he has the shield of immortality

12) If your team did enough damage he will be stunned and almost falls backwards a bit. At this point the 4 totem holders need to run to their corners by their totems where the ogres were spawning. You'll notice in the corners are 4 black orbs. The 4 members need to count down 3,2,1 enter! At that point they all need to enter the black orbs and wait until in the bottom left corner it says they detonated. Once it says your name has detonated run as fast as you can back to the middle where the floater and relic runner are still sitting simply killing minions.

13) Once everyone has detonated and is back in the middle everyone utilizes the relic immortality and weapons of light once more and unloads into oryx's chest once again. Oryx will blow white stuff at you and make the screen white but continue shooting as you will not be damaged due to immortality. Once enough damage has been done he will drop down signaling you have finished a rotation.

14) At this point if you have done it right you probably dropped him around 1/4 of his health. Now comes the part in between rotations. Oryx will do 1 of 2 things. He will either call a lightning storm or he will teleport people. The team needs to watch after he drops down he will head middle where he began. If he pushes back into the air expect a lightning storm, if he brings his hands together and causes a black circle then it's teleporting.

A) Lightning Storm - this is very simple. Your team must split up and don't stop running. We found that all 4 totem holders return to their totems and make circles around them while the relic runner goes to the front and the floater goes to the back stairs. You must continue running until you see a white light underneath. When you see the white light jump once in the air while continuing running. You must keep an eye on the radar at all times because if 2 of your team collide you can both die. This goes on for about 6 jumps or so.

B) Teleporting - in the teleport you face against the shade of oryx. It will start with only one person teleported but as time goes on more and more members come in. If you get teleported your main goal is kill the shade as fast as possible. On the outside your team needs to kill minions until they are teleported. It is hard to locate the shade inside so call out where he is at at all times. The shade will fly into the battlefield at times and swing his sword to 1 hit kill so be wary. If you don't kill the shade in time everyone wipes so using weapons of light in there as well as possibly tethering him for crit shots would be wise.

15) More often then not he does lightning storm first and after another rotation starts the teleporting. Once you are through either you must reset from the beginning and repeat everything. Oryx will move from where he first slammed his fist to directly down from it so the relic runner moves to that starting position and everyone jumps on their totems accordingly and so on.

16) After 4 rotations Oryx should be at about 1% health when he ducks out. This is the final point. Everyone gathers where he originally spawns and unloads once his chest is white. If everyone is shooting him you will kill him. If not he will clap and kill everyone. Losing at 1% health oryx is awful so be sure everyone is unloading and utilizing weapons of light.

That's about it guys. It's a complicated fight and if you don't have the light levels can be near impossible to do enough damage to him. I strongly recommend using fusion rifles and heavy machine guns on oryx to damage him. I recommend having at least 1 Titan bubble for middle. Other than that give it a go. If someone dies during the detonation phase it's alright continue to damage him anyways you should still be able to make him fall down. The detonation phase is what allows you to really damage him.

Lemme know how it goes for you guys! I tried to cover everything as best as I could. Best of luck guardians and take a screenshot when you beat him! You deserve it.

Eyes up guardian.

Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/3lnnvv/the_king_has_fallen_best_strategy_for_defeating/

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