
Destiny: The Taken King Armsday Week 5 Guide: Recommended Weapons, Rolls & Perks

The Armsday is upon us Guardians! And here's some of what we think are the best buys this Armsday for week # 5. Take note that these are only suggestions and not the best weapon, perks and rolls for this week. The only one who can say which is the best in the end is probably YOU.

The first spot on what's the best weapon to buy for week 5 armsday belongs to:

SUROS ARI-45 | Auto Rifle

If you're a Guardian who values quick reload speed, then this got is a god given gift to you! And, did we mention that it has a perk that is great for PvE and PvP use? Yes! With the Feeding Frenzy perk which serves as additional boost to reload speed, you will surely love this auto rifle. Another perk to take is the Rifled Barrel to get additional range and also, you can have Fitted Stock to increase the stability of this weapon. With all those perks and quick reload speed, you will surely love your SUROS ARI-45.

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The second spot is a triple tie...I guess... Well, we really can't choose at the moment so we just made them all as second best options:

Thesan FR4 | Fusion Rifle

You will love this Fusion Rifle! If you can't have SUROS ARI-45 or just don't want it, then go for this fusion rifle especially when you are a Crucible-kind of Guardian. The perks you can choose for this gun is either Braced Frame or Accelerated Coils as this perks gives better stability or faster failsafe in Crucible.

Aoife Rua-D | Sniper Rifle

This is a low-impact sniper rifle that deserves to be in the second spot. Wit this, you can have that ATA Scout scope for lower zoom and also, you can have Zen Moment which allows you to fire quickly at bosses in PVE. In terms of PvP, you can have the low-zoom scope and the Snapshot. Also, another noticeable roll for this sniper rifle is the first roll which offers perks like Appended Magazine and Partial Refund which offers more shots per clip.

Eirene RR4| Sniper Rifle

This sniper rifle has the most interesting rolls this week and we will try to discuss them one-by-one on how they excel in their own way.

The first option is the Luck in Chamber that gives you instant kill in Crucible. This perk offers you the chance to 1-shot a Guardian with a body shot in Crucible. Well, it may take a lot of practice or luck to do that but is doable.

The other option is the Clown Cartridge that basically grants precious sniper rounds every time it activates.. Just imagine when it activates often??? Hell breaks loose!

But what's the best option? Well, the above options fairs and has uses in a certain scenario but for those Guardians that values both the Crucible and PvE, we then suggest the middle choices. You can choose Replenish which earns you back 4 precious sniper rounds every time you use your super (this can possibly get you 8 additional bullets over the course of a Trials of Osiris match btw) or, you can go with Injection Mold to increase the handling of your gun making it more stable. Lastly, you can have Outlaw for PvE purposes as this allows you to get to your next shot much faster when you get a precision kill.

Now... You choose what's the best for you....

And lastly, the third best but this week is the:

SUROS DIS-47 | Scout Rifle

The third choices are fairly great. When you get the Rank 3 rolls, you will have the Smallbore and Rangefinder which will diminish all those range problems this scout rifle may have. Also with these buffs, you can then sacrifice a bit of range with Oiled Frame to give you more boost in reload speed. In this way, you will not have any range drop-off in PvE and PvP as well and far better, this can give you, your next kill a lot faster than any other roll.

So that's all about it guys.. Hope you learned something from this page. The next order for next week's armsday by the way are:
  • Häkke Zarinaea-D - Auto Rifle
  • Suros ARI-41
  • Suros ARI-45
  • Suros JLB-47
  • Omolon Uzume RR4
And once again, we will try to evaluate what we think, are the best buy next week.

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