
Green Dragon Nest Survival Guide- Stage 6: Green Dragon [DN SEA] (Phase 3)

Green Dragon: Phase 3
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The battle will continue in a relatively large area, as shown below. The dragon will be in the middle as shown. 

There are 4 heraldic towers at the 2 edges of the map as shown (marked by 1 to 4, in the order of activation) .

After going into this map, all party members (with Holy Shield) should move immediately to "Tail Right", which is relatively safe.

Paladin on the other hand, should provoke and stay in front of the dragon until all the party members move safely to "Tail Right".

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Boss Basic Attack start from HP x 17: 

3 Hit Tail swipe: dangerous. Use the tail to smack the ground, and swipe left and right. The dragon will not cast it if paladin is provoking the dragon in front.
Bite: only hit a small frontal area.
Claw Swipe: similar as phase 1.
Stomp: Raise 2 of its front leg high. Has aftershock damage. Will do a tail swipe in teh frontal direction. Very dangerous.
Wing Attack: Dangerous. Raise its legs and flap wing continuously. AOE is around its belly. Anyone who are staying in front of the hind legs to the belly, will be push towards the dragon head and receive heavy damage. A good chance to deal damage at its tail or behind the hind legs. The dragon will not cast this if paladin is provoking the dragon in front.

New Boss Attack start from HP x15.25: 
Poison Breath: Very Dangerous. The spine of dragon will glow green. There are two variations of Poison Breath: fan-shaped - hits the area around his front claw when he turn his head. The other one, Frontal Straight Breath will only be casted after 8.25x or so. Both poison breath only hit area in front, and since most of the time, we are at the hind leg, it's safe. therefore whenever you see the dragon glow green, it literally gives you the green light to deal dmg safely at the hind legs.

Example of this attack can be seen here:

Toxic Spray: Spine of the dragon will glow green. The dragon will raise his head and roar. Alot of toxic spray will also be thrown into the air. Negligible, a good time to deal damage.

Flame Tornado: Very Dangerous. The spine of the dragon will glow red before casting; his left front leg will glow red and rise above ground before cast. Flame tornado will appear at an area spanning from his front claw to the tail. It can be blocked with relics/mirrors. Stay at the edge of the map behind the boss/end of tail is safe too. You can also hide in front of the dragon near the left/right edge of the map, but you will be vulnerable to poison breath. Can be blocked with shield block/avatar.

Magic Eye: The spine of the dragon will glow white/blue before casting; his left front leg will glow white/blue and rise above ground before cast. Some of the party members will be marked with eye. EVERYONE must overlap with the marked member(s), or suffer heavy damage (might even 1hit KO). Suggest overlapping at the tail left/right (see Figure above), a good chance to deal high damage to the boss while overlapping. Beware if relics/summon units are marked, must overlap with them if it happens. Quickly disperse when this attack is over or else, everyone might be binded by vine.

Video showing Poison Breath and Magic Eye: 



Hp x 15.25, 12.25, 9,25, 6.25: Destroying Heraldic tower 
At Hp x 15.25, the spine of the dragon will glow green. the word "Destroy Heraldic Tower" will appear on the screen. The screen blurring effect clear all buffs and induce "slow" effect on all members. Priest should use curing hand and refresh buff; academic/acrobat should cast speedup buff.

All party members should go to Tower 1 and use high superarmor break skill to destroy the tower immediately. The towers are activated in the order shown by the picture above (1 to 4, at HPX15.25, 12.25, 9.25, 6.25 respectively)

If the party fail to do so within a specific time, the dragon will fly and cast a poison breath, which will kill the whole party immediately.

If the party manage to destroy the tower, an invincible buff (green icon) will be granted to the whole party when everybody get into the platform at the middle (see figure below). Also, take this opportunity to deal damage to the dragon as much as possible before it attempts to fly.

When the dragon fly up, every party member should gather at the platform at the middle (see the figure above) which will glow after the tower has been destroyed. Failure to do so, will again cause total anniliation.  The poison breath will hit the whole field, except this platform.

After gathering at the middle and obtain the special protection buff, the whole party members should move to the left or right edges of the map. If P1 is activated, move to the "Sky Right". If P2,P3 or P4 is activated, move to "Sky Left" (see schematic above)

A video demonstration of dealing dps after destroying the Heraldic Towers:



After finish the poison breath annihilation attack, the dragon will stay at the edge of the map for awhile. All party members must go the edge of the map and observe what the dragon is doing. He can cast 1 or more of the following skills while in air at the edge of the map:

Boss Air Skills start from HPx15.25 
Gigantic Flame Ball: Extremely dangerous. The dragon spine/crest will glow red. A huge flameball will be gathered at his claws in the middle of the field (red zone in the figure below). The flame ball will be thrown, hitting the whole field. Most members will be 1-hit KO, unless they hide near the cliff (at the edge of the map).

An example video showing how to avoid flame ball: 




Gigantic Ice Ball: Extremely daungerous. The casting motion is similar to flame ball, except that the color is white. It hits the front half of the area (stop at about 2m from the 1st pillar). Safe zone are marked by the blue zone in the figure below.

An example video showing how to avoid ice ball: 


The dragon will land for afew second after casting fire / ice ball. It's a good chance to deal some damage to him at Point B (see figure below), before he is airborne again.

Summon Monster: Only appear after Hpx11.25. Summon a few monsters (the boss in Islah Village). Move back to the sky spot left/right if fireball is not yet cast.

Poison Dive Breath: Can be avoided easily by staying at the edges of the map.

New Boss Attack start from HP x12.25 
Vine Grip: It will raise his right front leg and the tail high to the right before casting. When the tail/leg hit the ground, some party members will be bound with vine. The color of the spine is neutral (neither green,red or white). All party members should disperse immediately. If any of the party members are binded, save him similar to the ice bind of sea dragon. Can be avoided with jumping at the moment when the tail/leg smack the ground. Use skills which give airborne time is a good way to evade it. Very high FIXED damage if you are binded (first hit 55k, subsequent tick per sec is 3000 for 10sec, final hit 130k.). Need about 210k+ hp to survive.

Example video for vine grip: 


New Boss Attack start from HP x 9.25 
Summon Skeleton Bull: First appear after HPx9.25. The dragon crest will turn purple and fly up to the sky vertically. After 10sec, the dragon will summon two skeleton bulls after landing: One red, and one blue. The horn of the dragon will change color (blue or red) after another 10sec. The bull with the same color as the dragon at this moment, need to be killed within 15sec, or else the bull will become invincible and the total anniliation skill will wipe the whole party. If the party manage to kill the correct bull withint 15sec, a magical circle will appear at that location, which allows the party members to hide safely from the anniliation attack. 

- When one bull is killed, the other one will fade away.
- You can kill both bulls at the same time. This is not recommended because the party can mess up the killing time and the correct color bull fade away. Normally, a merc will use taunting howl to lure one of the bull away, separating them.
- Make sure you stand in the magical circle with the right color.
- Make sure no curing hand on field when everybody gather in the magical circle. Curing hand will clear the invincible buff and cause total anniliation.
- Merc use superarmor buff, just in case, there are some mobs on the field trying to push you out of the circle.
- When the dragon land after this attack, there will be an aftershock damage. Jump to avoid.
- Merc should use devastating howl after the dragon land, if the HP not yet go into 5.25. Reason: Flame tornado might kill others who are running towards the tail.

An example Video for this phase: 


New Boss Attack start from HP x 5.25 
Dragon will not cast fire tornado and magic eye after 5.25.

Scarab Swarm: Cast after 5.25xHP. Extremely dangerous. The boss will beat his wings repeatedly for roughly 10sec while staying on the ground, before taking flight. Scarab swarm will appear at every party member's feet. This attack clear buff and induce a very powerful poison status which cannot be cured for 12sec. There are 2 suggestions:
* use devastating howl after 10sec after wing flapping , just before the dragon fly.
* try to break the superarmor bar of the dragon by attacking his head. If the superarmor bar is depleted in time, the dragon will faint: a good time to deal damage!

If both measures fail, staying at the frontal/back area of the dragon make it easier to avoid this attack, due to larger running area. Keep moving to avoid this skills (pretty much like bull charging of stage 5 in SDN).

A video showing the cast animation of scarab swarm:



Wooden Meteor: Dark elemental. Induce screen blurring effect. Just keep moving and away from the wall to avoid.

Boss Data:
Click to Enlarge

Compiled by: WebJunkiesBlog

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