
Green Dragon Nest Survival Guide- Stage 6: Green Dragon [DN SEA]

Green Dragon: Phase 1

After defeating the human form of Kalahan, and after the cutscene, everyone should move towards the black point as shown in the figure below, which is a safe spot for most of the dragon's attack.

Click to Enlarge
Example video: http://v.youku.com/v_show/id_XMzM3MTcxNjc2.html

* Claw Attack : dangerous , shown by bright red zone
* Claw Swipe: shown by dark red zone
After the claw swipe, the claw will be exposed outside the wall and vulnerable for 10sec. This is a good chance to deal damage.

The figure above show the AOE for the 3 types of dragon breaths:
Poison Breath : very dangerous, Green zone
Fire Breath : very dangerous, Red zone
Ice Breath : blue zone. Some ice will appear on his head.

Baca Juga

Note that only Ice breath will hit the party members if they stay at the recommended spot. (the lower left corner). So it is recommend that you are familiar with the casting motion (watch for the ice on his head) of ice breath. You can avoid the ice breath by moving to the green or red zone. Under most circumstance, ice breath will not kill any of the party members if paladin has elemental aura and priest cast buff.

Summon Comet: The casting of this skill is very similar to the rotating dragon breath of sea dragon. It will start with a screen blurring effect. After that, the AOE of the skill covers almost the whole screen, except near the opening. All party members can get close to the dragon at the opening between the walls and deal dmg safely for ~10sec. Run back to the lower left corner again after this attack ended.

- observe the order of skill casting after HPx19.25. The pattern will repeat itself after the Summon Comet.
- For example, if the dragon use claw > poison > ice > flame > summon comet. After the summon comet. it will definitely cast claw > poison > ice > flame > summon comet again in this order.
- At 17.25x HP, dragon will rush out from the openining and enter phase 2. Weaker class will suffer heavy damage if stand near the openinng.

Example video of phase 1 to phase 2:

Activation of Heraldic Device

Throughout stage 1 to 5 of GDN, you can collect this item called "Cleansing Totem" after defeating the bosses.

They (you have to collect all 5) an be used here on to activate the Heraldic Device (location shown in the picture below).

1. Do NOT go towards the device immediately after the words "heraldic device can be activated).
2. Doing so will most likely kill you since you might get hit by Poison Breath
3. Make sure the dragon is not about to cast poison breath before moving towards the device.

Activating the Heraldic device gives you 15sec of invinciblity. Deal dmg to the dragon as much as possible during this timeframe.

However, most party normally ignore this totem.

Green Dragon: Phase 2
Click to Enlarge
After the HP reach x 17.25, the dragon will break the wall and your party members have to run to the Phase 2 Chamber B, as shown in the picture above. Do so quickly or be killed by the dragon. DO NOT STOP at Chamber A or be killed. Speedbuffer helps.

Alot of monsters will appear in Chamber B. The dragon, which stays in Chamber A, will not attack you during this phase. However you only have 40sec to clear all the monsters in this room, or else the whole party will die immediately.

If you manage to clear all the monster within 40sec, the dragon will chase after you, and you will need to move to Chamber C. Alot of monsters will appear here again., and you must clear them all within 40sec or face total anniliation.

After that, the party members will be teleported to a large area in phase 3 of the batle.

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