Alchemy Bubbles of Alchemist Explained [Dragon Nest]
A lot of Alchemist from Dragon Nest SEA are asking me of what are the functions of Alchemy Bubbles for their character. More specifically, they are asking on how do Alchemy Bubble works, the maximum amount of bubble you can gain, how do you gain Alchemy Bubbles and what are the benefits of Alchemy bubbles for an Alchemist. Well, I am currently playing as an Adept for over a month now and I think I have enough experience to share to you the idea of how Alchemy Bubble works for Alchemist in Dragon Nest SEA.
What are Alchemy Bubbles?
Alchemic Bubbles can also be considered as buffs. They can increase the damage and range of your skills when you spend a certain amount of Alchemic Bubble. In addition, they can also be requirements for some skills in the Alchemist tree, as some of this class' skills need Bubbles to function.
How can you acquire Alchemy Bubbles?
It's very simple. When you cast certain skills, you can acquire Alchemic bubbles. If you see the phrase in the skills description that says "Attain 1 Alchemy Bubble When Skill is Used", then you can gain a bubble from that skill.
Can you only gain 1 Alchemy Bubble per skill?
Well, not quite. If you take a look at the two passive skills of the Alchemist namely Elemental Bubble Charging and Chemical Bubble Charging, you will then notice that you can gain an extra bubble if you have acquired this skill. It works like this: When you have cast a fire/ice skill, you will gain an additional 1 bubble and if you cast poion/healing related skill, you will gain 1 addition bubble also. So, if I have used Disease, it will gain me 1 Alchemy bubble plus 1 more if I have the Chemical Bubble Charging.
How to know the number of Alchemy Bubble you currently have?
You'll see your bubble count in the top left where you can see your buff duration(s), at the bottom of your MP bar. Go check out the image below:
What is the maximum amount of Bubble you can gain?
There is a limit on the Alchemic Bubble you can gain. In Dragon Nest SEA, you can only have a maximum of 10 Alchemy Bubble. In addition to that, if you will not use the Alchemy Bubbles, it will disappear over time. I think its about 30-50 seconds before all your unused bubbles will disappear.
What are the benefits of Alchemy Bubbles?
You can use your Alchemy Bubbles on:
For a Physician, Alchemy bubbles are obviously needed to gain extra healing percentage to make them a good support.
Cocktail: Spend 2 Bubbles= increase in certain percentage of magic power, agility, intelligence
Spend 4 Bubbles= increase in healing percentage
Spend 6 Bubbles= decrease of skill cooldowns.
Magma Wave: Spend 3 Bubbles= 2.5m Diameter increase; 25% damage increase
Spend 5 Bubbles= 3m diameter increase; 50% damage increase
Icicle Expression [Ultimate]: Spend 3 Bubbes= 4m diameter increase; 25% damage increase
Spend 5 Bubbles= 5m diameter increase; 50% damage increase
Eureka: For each bubbles you have in hand, you will gain 1% increase in intelligence and 1.5% decrease in both physical and magical damage. With max bubbles in hand, you will gain 10% extra INT and 15% decrease in physical and magical damage buff.
Summon Slime: It will require 2 Alchemy Bubbles to summon a slime and slimes do different attacks when you have different number of Alchemy Bubbles in hand. Go check the description of this skill to know more about it.
Poison Break: Spend 3 Bubbles= 25% increase damage
Spend 5 Bubbles= 50% increase damage
Poison Pool [Ultimate]: Spend 3 Bubbles= 25% increase damage
Spend 5 Bubbles= 50% increase damage
So there you have it. Now you know the function of Alchemy Bubbles and how important it is for an Alchemist. I strongly suggest that you use Alchemy Bubbles well because it will really help you in not just increasing the damage of your skills but in so many different ways.
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