
How To Write Quality Content for Readers and Search Engines

When we got websites which offers blogging tutorials/tips, we often here the advice that we should write quality content for our blog as, for a blog to be successful, one must bear in mind that "CONTENT IS KING". The question now is, how do we write a quality content/article for us to attract potential readers on our blog?

Most pro bloggers will tell you that SEO is the key to creating quality content for a blog. They will say that you must use as much SEO keywords to get the attention of search engines which is very wrong nowadays. With Google Penguin on the watch, it might be a bad idea creating over-optimize SEO-based articles. In fact Google suggested that instead of spending time trying to figure out how to make a sound SEO article, we should be creating content which are fresh and informative. So obviously, the only way to attract readers and as well as pleased search engines is to put as much effort as possible in creating quality contents which will be beneficial for people. So, the real question now is, "How do we create quality content after the Google Penguin Update?"

Now, to help you create quality article, let me tell you my secret in making one. In this page, you'll learn my step-by-step process in creating my content for my blog which has rewarded me with a heck of a benefit.

So, the first thing you need to do is...

Choose a Topic Which Suits Your Ideals and You Have Knowledge on

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Determining the topic you want to blog may take awhile. In fact, it may take more than days or weeks to do so. However, it's better to choose a topic you really have knowledge in and don't rush creating blog post which you don't even know. Take time to jot down topicks you would like to blog then, figure out which topic connects with you and after that, create an article about that topic. In my case, I end up creating more than one blog post as the other topic that I haven't choose will be reserve as my next project.

Another thing that you need to consider in selecting a blog topic is yourself. Pause for awhile and then ask yourself, "Do I want to write a blog post out of this topic?". If you love something, then you probably do anything. That is also applicable in writing a blog post. If you do love your topic, then you'll do everything yo make it perfect.

And lastly, you should be thinking of a topic which is more specific. Instead of deciding to go with broad topics like "cars, try to be more specific and make it "sports cars". It will be a lot easier to identify and gather the targeted audience this way.

Here's a bonus tip in choosing your topic. To make it more easier, you should ask these questions to yourself, for you to determine what kind of blog post you want to write in the moment:
  • What do I like to write about?
  • What do I love to wirte about?
  • What do readers with the same kind of ideals as me often search on the internet?
  • Has someone already posted something which addresses to this problem? If no one, then what do I have to offer to my readers?
  • How much do I know about this topic?
  • What information are needed on this topic?

Secondly, you have to...

Create an Attractive Title for Your Topic

The sole purpose of a title is to attract potential readers from reading you opening line (or often called introduction). That is why, it's very important to make you blog post title a head turner. Write captivation and intriguing titles and it will definitely lure a lot of people reading your blog every time. So, how do you write titles like those?

There are many ways to do it but, I find the titles you will see below the most awesome in terms of attracting potential readers:

Titles with "BENEFITS" Written All Over it
It's our human nature to find out things which are beneficial to us, as much as possible. So, why not exploit this fact and make it a blogging strategy? Most people get attracted to titles which has words like "How To" or "10 Ways To" on it. In fact, these are the titles which are often clicked at search engines as for readers, they think that they will find a guide or a solution in how to solve their problem.

Title Which Creates Controversy
People love controversy. So, why not create a title which stimulates the curiosity on the mind? Most likely, when you write something like "Google Reveals How Their Search Engine Ranking Works", bloggers will definitely take a peek on this as this has never happened before and probably won't happen in another million years.

Titles like this are really big hitters by, be warned that if you're trying to create this kind of titles, be sure that you have enough facts to prove your claim as it may not work out for you, if you're trying to expose something that ain't true.

Titles Which are Asking Specific Questions
Titles like this can also make people's mind curious. If you're a blogger and you've spotted a blog post which says, "Can Social Media Help Drive Traffic in Your Blog?", then probably you'll take a peek and find whether or not Social Media can boost your blog traffic. Based on experience, titles like this often gets a lot of feedbacks from readers. In most cases, they will leave comment answering the question or giving their opinions after reading the whole article. In short, not only that it's a total attention grabber, but it also can provoke readers to interact on your blog.

Titles Which Has Specific Keywords
There are two benefits in creating titles which has specific keywords on it. One is that they tell the search engine(s) that you got a post for this specific keyword(s) and secondly, you will attract the attention of most readers searching for the exact keywords in the internet. The only downside with this one is that you often bump into many competitions but, provided that you have great content to back up your specific keyword title(s), then probably you'll have the chance to surpass those competitors.

Bonus Tip: One last piece of advice in creating a great title is that you must keep it short as much as possible. Lone line titles in search engine are hardly readable as it will be cut for being too long. So, it would be wise to keep your title short, but attractive.

The third one will be...

Creating A Great Introduction

After you finally created a great title, then you need to create a great introduction. Getting potential readers attracted with your titles is only the beginning. You then need to make an impressive opening line so that your potential readers will continue reading your article until the very end.

There are many ways to create a great opening line. The only thing you must bear in mind is that you must write few words which will provoke readers to read the whole content. To help you out, here are a few of my introduction I have used in my blogs to attract readers to read the whole content:

Start with a story related to your topic, which your readers can connect with
When someone tells a story we can relate one, we often listen to it until the very end and when it's finally finish, we then respond to the person telling the story by giving our insights from what we've heard. In writing a great introduction, you can start with telling a meaningful story too. In that way, the reader will get engaged, and potentially read the whole article. However, be sure to keep it short and direct to the point so your readers won't get bored. Remember, this is only the opening line, and not the whole article.

Ask a significant question and then offer an answer
This one is really an audience catcher. The strategy is to ask your reader a significant question first, then at the very end of the opening line, make a promise that by reading your blog post, they will surely find an answer to their problem. However, be sure that you'll keep your promise as readers may leave negative feedbacks on your content if they find it tricky instead of being informative. 

Picture out a scenario
The common technique often used by bloggers in their opening line. Usually, when you are picturing out a scenario, your making your readers use their imagination which can often create emotional connection between them and the writer. You can either picture out a scenario where they can achieve success in what they're doing or, you can get them to picture out a problematic situation wherein if left, unsolved, it can cause terrible consequences. Either way, I'm pretty sure that you can get in touch with your readers if you have the right words to indulge their senses.

Use creative images in your introduction
A picture paints a thousand words. So, why not let an image describes what your blog post is? This may be the most creative opening line I have ever used so far. If your image transpires something great (which is related to your topic), then you readers will get indulge into reading your whole article. Two important notes while using this technique: Be sure to describe the image of how it's related to your content and, be creative and not just use plain boring images.

All of these opening line are amazing. Just use it wisely and always bear in mind that when you're writing your introduction, you're trying to tell readers that the body of your post is worth reading.

The next thing you need to do is...

Creating a meaningful and worthwhile body post

This is the part of your post where everything must matter. This is where you put in facts, experiences and everything you know about your topic. The one thing you should put in mind in writing your body post is to make it worth reading. Before writing the body of your post, you should answer first these following questions:
  • What are the goals of this blog post?
  • How will I make my blog post worth reading?
  • What are the things I'm trying to share, and must share to readers on this blog post?
  • What is the impact of my article to the readers?
  • What are the benefits they'll get from this blog post?

After you have answered each questions and has come up with great ideas which you'll include in your blog post, you must then choose a proper sequence for those ideas. Remember, you want the readers to understand your blog post and make it matter. That is why, you need to write your statement in sequence so that your article will have a flow and avoid confusion from readers. Example of sequencing ideas in your blog post is like this:

1- Identifying the probem or need
2- The causes of these problems
Optional- Include examples, real life experiences or statistics
3- Offer a solution for the problem
4- The scenario after implementing the solution

Right after crafting your blog body post, you then need to...

Finish your blog post with a conclusive statement

Right after finishing the body of your blog post, then it's time to close it with a hypothesis/conclusion. In every article, there is always a conclusion in it. This is where you write your last line which summarizes the whole post.

The last thing you need to do is...


This is a must in crafting a great blog post. One most common mistakes of bloggers is that, when they are finish writing their article, they publish it immediately which is very wrong. My advice is, proofread your blog post first a couple of times before publishing it to check if you have some errors in spelling or grammar, to check if the sequence of your article is right and, to check if there is still room for improvement.

In my case, I recheck my blog post for 10 times before publishing it to check for errors. But, I don't just proofread to check for errors. I also do this to replace some words with SEO keywords. When I proofread, that is the time I replace a couple of words with words that tells search engine that I have this certain keyword(s) in my blog post. But take note, I just pick keywords which I think is impactful and not over-optimize it.

There you have it. Now, you're ready to craft quality content on your blog which will definitely grab the attention of readers, and please search engine. But before you leave this page, I would like to share one last piece of advice. Creating quality content for your blog may be difficult at first but, if you have the determination, then you probably can write tons of quality content in no time. So, KEEP PRACTICING!

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