
Dragon Nest Stats Info for All Classes

Knowing how much physical/magical attack you will get from 1 stat points is really crucial in Dragon Nest. In fact, it's an advantage to know how much HP/MP, Phy/Mag Attack and resistance a stat will give for a certain character. For example, you have an Acrobat as your main character. We all know that Acro rely mainly on Physical Attacks and, we all know that STR and AGI affect the physical attack of the character. However, 1 STR=0.25 physical damage and 1 AGI=0.50 physical damage for Archer class. Not knowing these kind of stuffs, you'll definitely buy the wrong equipment.

Now you know the importance of knowing the stats of every classes. Let's then proceed to determining the Stats Weights for all classes (warrior, cleric, archer, sorceress, academic): 

For Warrior, Every: 
1 STR = 0.5 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
1 AGI = 0.25 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist

For Archer, Every:
1 STR = 0.25 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
1 AGI = 0.5 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist

For Cleric, Every:
1 STR = 0.5 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
1 AGI = 0.25 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist

For Sorceress, Every: 
1 STR = 0.15 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist 
1 INT = 35 MP, 0.75 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF 
1 AGI = 0.3 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist 
1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist 

For Academic, Every: 
1 STR = 0.25 pDMG, 2.5 stun, 3 para, 3 para resist
1 INT = 35 MP, 0.5 mDMG, 0.8 mDEF
1 AGI = 0.5 pDMG, 3.5 crit, 10.5 crit resist
1 VIT = 30 HP, 0.6 pDEF, 2.5 stun resist

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