
The 10 Features in iOS 11 Borrowed From the Jailbreak Community

Apple releases a major new firmware upgrade for its mobile device lineup every year, and with the announcement of iOS 11 at the WWDC 2017 keynote. In this roundup, we'll discuss 10 new features in iOS 11 that have previously existed in Cydia as jailbreak tweaks before the new firmware, which is set to release this Fall, was ever even announced.

1. Customizing Control Center

This isn’t a completely new concept, as jailbreak tweaks like CChide enabled you to hide or show individual Control Center sections to hide things you never use and only show the things you do. Granted Apple’s implementation is cleaner and has more to offer, there are various other jailbreak tweaks that also added new functions to Control Center, like Onizuka.

2. On-device screen recording

Display Recorder by Ryan Petrich was perhaps the most renowned display-recording jailbreak tweak ever released, but among the most recent releases to enable on-device display recording is CCRecord, which adds a button right to Control Center for recording your screen.

3. Translating languages with Siri

It's a feature users have wanted for a long time, but the jailbreak community got to it first. Using an AssistantExtensions add-on dubbed Lingual, which was released just a few years ago, it was possible to make Siri translate words from one language to another.

4. Scanning QR codes

Several jailbreak tweaks in the past, such as NativeQR, have enabled QR code reading in the stock camera app, so one might say that Apple’s idea to add it to the stock Camera app was, in part, derived from the jailbreak community.

5. Viewing animated GIFs in the Photos app

For what it’s worth, a jailbreak tweak dubbed GIFViewer unlocked this capability on jailbroken iPhones and iPads a few years ago, so the jailbreak community came up with a native-like solution before Apple did.

6. Applying a system-wide "dark mode"

Whether or not dark mode jailbreak tweaks actually inspired this “accessibility” feature, it’s safe to say that it looks pretty similar to Noctis and that even regular iOS 11 users can take advantage of it if they like the aesthetics.

7. Low Power Mode Control Center toggle

This should sound relatively familiar, as a jailbreak tweak dubbed CCLowPower was recently released that enabled a similar Control Center-based toggle on jailbroken iOS 10 devices.

8. One-handed keyboard

The concept is similar to a jailbreak tweak dubbed OneHandWizard, which essentially shrinks down the iOS interface to the size of a 4-inch device and offsets it to one side of the display for easier one-handed usage. While the tweak shrinks the entire interface and Apple only shrinks the keyboard, the implementation, on the other hand, is almost identical; without a doubt, the jailbreak community was onto this idea first.

9. Customizing AirPods gestures

While Apple probably had this idea planned for a while, the jailbreak community was already working on a way to let you customize your AirPod gestures before they got to it. Siliqua was a jailbreak tweak we showed you in beta that got released into Cydia beforehand, so it's only fair we give the jailbreak community some credit.

10. Subtle volume HUD

For what it's worth, the jailbreak community has been creating all kinds of new volume HUD solutions, ranging from some of the most original like StatusHUD to some of the more modern, like Sonus. While the implementations are indeed very different, that's the difference between the jailbreak community's ingenuity and Apple's attention to detail.

Wrapping up

While there may be many other features shipping with iOS 11 in the Fall that jailbreakers have had for eons, these were some of the most apparent things I've noticed right off the bat without even trying the iOS 11 beta yet.

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Source: idownloadblog

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