
Here's the new area added to Elder Scrolls Online when Thieves Guild DLC arrives

There's just under a month to go until Elder Scrolls Online rolls out the new Thieves Guild expansion, which seemed as good a time as any to take a look at this richly designed new area known as Hew’s Bane.

The sun kissed land in southern Hammerfell is split into four key areas, each with their own unique obstacles and dangers to overcome. 

In addition, the expansion will include more story quests and a 12-player Trial called The Maw of Lorkhaj, which grants powerful new items.

One of the standout new features of the update will be repeatable activities such as heists, pickpocketing, stealing, and more, according to the games developers Zenimax.

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But for now, let's take a look at these four new areas you're going to be explore for hours on end.


The capital of Hew’s Bane is Abah’s Landing which is the home of the Thieves Guild and the setting for many of the new Thieves Guild quests.

Abah’s Landing is seriously large city, possibly the largest ever seen in Elder Scrolls Online, described by the games makers as: "The opulent jewel of Hew’s Bane and one of the most elaborate cities in Elder Scrolls Online."

According to the trailer, when the player arrives at Hew's Bane the Thieves Guild is in great disarray, threatened by a mercenary force called the Iron Wheel.

A majority of the player's missions will focus on restoring the glory that was once bestowed on the Guild while simultaneously fighting back against the Iron Wheel.


In the southwest you'll find a concealed grotto which has long been a place for those wishing to avoid the merchant lords' reach.

Because Shark's Teeth Grotto regularly floods, residents were forced to build their homes up, directly into the grotto’s walls.

A striking key feature of this mysterious new local.

“Ownership” of the grotto changes constantly, but currently it's overrun with pirate crews.


In the complete opposite direction in the northwestern area of Hew's Bane you'll find Bahraha's Gloom, a despoiled Yokudan tomb.

According to the Elder Scroll's Online website: "Prince Hew's treacherous half-uncle tricked his hapless nephew into constructing an elaborate family tomb. Here, Bahraha and a sect of necromancers practiced their dark trade on the unfortunates of Abah's Landing.

"Once Bahraha's crimes came to light, Prince Hew decreed his uncle should be permanently immured within the tomb. He and his followers were imprisoned with little food and water, and Yokudan priests sealed the tomb. To this day, the seals are still maintained."

Presumably that's where you come in, cracking open the sealed tomb to undertake a series of all-new challenges in the hope of receiving a boat load of rewards for your bravery.


Elder Scroll's Online describes this abandoned fort as No Shira Citadel.

Apparently it was Prince Hubalajad's "first major effort to bring Yokudan civilization to southern Khefrem involved the construction of an extravagant fort to overlook the Abecean Sea."

But constant flooding and poor foundation served to naturally undermine the walls and buildings, meaning that it is now nothing more than a temporary home from home for bandits, an Imperial legion, mercenaries, and even a traveling circus.

Thieves Guild will launch on PC/Mac on March 7, Xbox One on March 22, and PlayStation 4 on March 23 and is included with an active ESO Plus membership or will be available for 2,000 crowns via the ESO Crown Store.

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