Healer's Build and Strategy Guide in ArcheAge
1. Healer or in the other words ass saver. Healer is group PvP class, because in solo PvP he is very, very and very bad,if you want kill someone alone, he isn't for you, but there is also few bonuses, without healer you can't kill kraken and clear the dungeons, and in const party you will be always welcomed guest. The most important for healer is smart head, good hands and experience ofc. Also don't forgot to use consumables for any build, defense potions (Alchemy), drink - increases HP (Cooking), food - increases spirit (Cooking).
2.1 Templar (Vitalism/Auramancy/Defense)
Good for large scale wars, high survivability.
50 level cap Healer Build or Build
50 level cap PvE Tank Build
55 level cap Healer Build
55 level cap PvE Tank Build
- Higher P def and Health compare to other builds
- Anti stun, impale, shackle, silence
- Instant self heal, which regens 2 k hp
- Imunity to dmg for 12 sec, can't move and cast spells
- High block rate (40 %)
- Got 1 debuff clearing spell
- No crowd control
- (Healer) Stone Cloth Set - Spirit/Stamina (increases pdef and reduces incoming dmg by %)
- (PvE Tank) Earth Plate Set - Stamina (incraseses pdef/mdef)
- Obsidian One Handed Club
- Obsidian Shield
- Life Lute
- Cloak which gives +5 % block rate
- Wave Earrings (reduces recived dmg by %)
- Halcyonas Necklace for Warriors proof (reduces recived dmg by %)
- Earth Rings (gives extra mdef)
2.2 Hierophant (Vitalism/Auramancy/Witchcraft)
- Good for arena and small scale wars, because can disable few enemies.
50 level cap Offensive healer Build or Supporting healer Build
55 level cap:
Offensive healer Build
Supporting healer Build
- Got 2 debuff clearing spell
- Anti fear, sleep, stun, impale, shackle, silence
- Got plenty of crowd control spells
- Lower P def (Compare to Templar)
- Lower Health (Compare to Templar)
- Vulnerable to archers and melee, because of low block rate
- (Healer) Stone Cloth Set - Spirit/Stamina (increases pdef and reduces incoming dmg by %)
- Obsidian One Handed Club
- Obsidian Shield
- Life Lute
- Cloak which gives +5 % block rate
- Wave Earrings (reduces recived dmg by %)
- Halcyonas Necklace for Warriors proof (reduces recived dmg by %)
- Earth Rings (gives extra mdef)
2.3. Necromancer (Vitalism/Witchcraft/Occultism)
This build is good if you are planing to be aggresive in small scale wars, 2-5 parties. Because you can disable few opponents and got few AoE CC, but because you don't have Auramacy, you are vulnerable to Stuns/Impales/Silence and ofc you can't inta cast Anthithesis and lower cd on hearts and Anthithesis. Also this build is good if you are willing to level up Hierophant, because from healer he can be converted in to nice damager and level up easily
50 level cap Build
2.4. Edgewalker (Vitalims/Auramancy/Occulitsm) Good alternative to necromancer, because he got 2 most important trees for healer, vita and aura, to lower cd and insta cast anthithesis. But because of lack in cc, like hiero, necro, or survivability, like templar, he will die fast and can't fulfill his full potential as healer.
50 level cap Build
3. Skill overview
- Thwart + Hearten - Hearten up allows you to make 3 Inspire stacks, which reduce cd of Vitalism spells:
- 1. Antithesis - from 5 sec to 3,2 sec cd
- 2. Mend - from 24 sec to 17,7 sec
- 3. Continuous Recovery - most important healing spell, from 30 sec to 26,4
- Energy Shield - allows to insta cast Antithesis (so it means if it works for 8 sec, we can use Antithesis 3-4 times without casting time),
- also convert 26 % of dmg into health.
- Shrug It Off - clears you from Stun and Impale, become immune to it for 4 sec
- Teleportation - gives you ability to position yourself on battlefield or run away from melee
- Liberation - grants you immunity to shackle and silence for 20 sec.
- Protective Wings - very useful spell in Castle siega, because grants immunity to all magic spells for 10-15 sec, while your allies is bombing with dynamite or guns enemy walls.
- Liberation + Redoubt combo - gives bonus 1000 mdef for 10-15 sec
- Imprison + Protective wings - one friend said me about this combo, you can cast Imprison and then use PW, and the effect of PW will work through imprison walls.
- Absorb Damage - converts 7 % of dmg in to heal.
- Unassailable - gives a chance to be immune to all dmg for 2 sec
- Inspiration Cloak - decreases all incomng dmg -100 for 3 sec, after critical strike, very useful against archers, because make their auto attacks close to 0 =]
- You can change Inspiration Cloak to Unassailable
- Antithesis - one of the strongest heal spells after Continuous Recovery.
- Mirror Light - removes one debuff and increases received healing on 15 % (ally), on enemy it works like root for 3 sec + debuff that's increasing received damage on 12 % and decrease received healing for 30 %
- Resurgence - buff on 10 sec that heals smth about 1200 and also gives bonus for received healing from Anthesis by 16 % and Mend by 30 %.
- Mend - very good healing spells, heals smth about 30+ % of hp, but eats too much mana and got high cd.
- Fervent Healing - the best healing spell in game. Can be used on few target at the same time. After patch 1.0, they increased cd, but problem with hearts is still with us =[ and it's their flight time, it means that ally get heal not instantly, but after small period of time, which can be crucial in any kind of PvP or PvE, so before using Fervet Healing it would be nice if you insta cast him with Anthithesis.
- Whirlwind's Blessing - nice buff, which increases movement and attack speed for your allies and debuffs enemies movement and attacks speed, so it means that this spell will be very useful in PvP and how good heals can continuously buff it, because buff and debuff time is 30 sec, but cd 2 min.
- Quick Recovery- very useful, can save ass sometimes, because it reset all healing spells cd
- Alms - reduce cast time for all skills by 6 %
- Invigorated Healing - if heal crits, it heals on 50 % more
- Defiance - grants 500 mdef buff for all allays within 15m
- Joyous Spirit - Must be spell, because reduce cd of vitalism tree spells by 20 %.
- Aranzeb's Boon and Spirit Growth - good if you want to get max spirit which you can.
- Refreshment - Increase health on 1 k (with Bear's Vigor bonus), also increases Mettle, when receiving dmg.
- Toughen - restores 20 health every second, with bear's vigor
- Revitalizing cheer - extra self heal, at the end, with Shug It Off(Auramancy) and 3000 rage it heals smth about 2 k hp.
- Redoubt - increase block rate by 25 %, also with Liberation(Auramancy) grants bonus 1000 mdef.
- Invincibility - no one can attack you for 12 sec, you just stay at 1 place and if you move immunity will be gone.
- Boastful Roar - with 3 k mettle dmg enemy smth about 3-4 k.
- Supplemental Block - increase block rate by 15 % after sucefull block.
- Shield of Stell - give 700 pdef
- Spry Fortress - decrease stun and Tripped duration by 10 %
- Bear's Vigor - bonus 800 health
- Augment Witchcraft - quite good passive if you want to play aggressively, because it insta cast Earthen grip and increases duration almost of all Witchcraft tree CC.
- Enervate + Earthen grip combo - enervate is good because burn enemy mana and if you use earthen grip while Enervate is on enemy, then you'll regen health, make 2-3 k dmg and snare enmy on 5-6 sec.
- Bubble trap - nice CC, because puts enemy in bubble, which is flying for 5-6 sec or till someone hits him.
- Purge - removes debuff and increases ally mdef by 25 % for 3 min. On enemy it clears 1 buff and changes debuff on him. Shackle on Silence and Silence on Shacke.
- Courageus action - nice buff which makes ally immune to Sleep and Fear for 1 min.
- Banshee Wail - good insta cast AoE cc, fears and stuns enemies for 2-3 sec.
- Dahuta's Breath - pulls enemies away, but this wave is quite small =[
- Folding time - decrease cast time by 4 % for all spells.
- Mitigation - awesome spell against melee, because reduce all incoming dmg by 30 % after melee crit hit.
Occultism(Necormancer, Edgewalker):
- Hell Spears - nice gap closer
- Mana force - regens mana and pulls enemies away
credits: this guide was made by Legion
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