
Level 80 PVE Shooting Star Build Guide in Dragon Nest [T4]

Here in this page you'll read a PVE build guide for Shooting Stars in Dragon Nest made by Silicapomfed. The build was derived on the SEA server of the game and it's based on the level 80 cap.

80 Cap Ss Build (Pve) By Silicapomfed

Note that this build is not Ice-SS friendly. If you want suggestions to make and ice-build SS, read the last part of my thread or read someone else's.

Well since I love lolis that much, lemme share to you my SS build. This build is probably compatible to Non-elemental users, Light and Dark ECJ users.

PS: Shooting Stars are THE MOST MANA CONSUMING class in DN. If you plan to use these lovable creatures, I recommend getting mana jades, eqs with "Vigor" suffix, or an LF in the party

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PPS: This build is supposed to be and ALL-AROUND utility build, which means it's not pure 4-man, 8-man, or even solo dungeon centric. I like it better for builds to have no specialty but can adjust at any kind of dungeons or nests than optimal at a certain dungeon/nest but inefficient at others. After all, not everyone has expanded their skill tree for their Shooting Stars so don't expect them to be like your SS who can shift at 2 skill trees for different game styles.

Academic Line:
Alfredo: Max lvl. You'll need him to be tough enough to tank damage while in Transitional Damage mode, if you and your teammates want to survive longer in Nests
MP Mastery: Lvl 4 Mana issue purposes and to reach 45 SP
Mind Conquer: Max. Promise, you'll need it...
Engineer Line:
Ping Pong Bomb: Max Lvl. Really powerful against 1 boss/mob
Reload: Max lvl. A SS necessity. Max lvl give 3 sec CD. You need it to use your bullet needing skills
Chemical Grenade: Lvl 8. This is to give way to max some needed moves. Gives 16 secs of -15% resist to all elemental attacks and -30% critical resistance to all monsters hit with this skill. Max has 18sec debuff duration but for me, 2 sec "seems" negligible.
Mine Thrower: Max lvl. This is the most powerful skill against bosses of large builds. More powerful than Splash for big bosses like dragons though. At max level. It can deplete 1/4 of a dragons bar with the right gears. Definitely a raid type move that you really wanna max.
Biochemical Missile: Max lvl: The most powerful burst type AOE move of SS. Needed for the EX which has an essential debuff for team members (YOU CAN SACRIFICE SOME OF THIS SKILL'S SP TO MAX CHEMICAL GRENADE)
Demolition Max lvl. More powerful than Demolition if you observe the damage percentage. Choice of Left-click for Scattered shots for 8secs while in that stance and Right-click for a powerful burst damage. Preferrably use the right-click for survivability and damage. Detailed explanation later
Transitional Damage: Max lvl. Alfredo takes 60% of your damage for 36sec. A must for survivability sake of your party
Mecha Bomber: Lvl 12. Commands ducks to explode to enemies and exploded enemies gets -36% of their attack reduced for 12secs. Another survivability skill need for nesting parties
Mecha Siren: Lvl1. Siren removes 1 buff of a boss/monster. Needed in raiding dragon nest for bosses that berserks so that it can be removed immediately for the party to survive his upcoming attacks
Shooting Star Line:
Splash: Max lvl. Good for not-that-big monsters/boss
Alfredo Beam Lvl 9. Sacrificed to max some needed skills though damage increase per level is kind of negligible.
Get all of the EX in the SS skill line and these are some of the notable EXs:
Ping Pong Bomb EX: Adds 2 more bounces of the Ping Pong Bomb
Biochemical Missile EX: Adds another explosion after the initial one dealing 30% of the original damage while increasing incoming physical and magical damage of all party members by 25%
Splash EX: Makes 5 shells to 7 shells per shot
FAQs and Expected violent reactions:
Q: Why is Ice Pump lvl1, no stun and gravity granade, and Mechanic Mode? Shouldn't they be maxed/at least added? 
A: Ice Pump: I already said this is not the ideal build for ice-SS. If you're non-elemental, light, or dark SS, lvl1 Ice Pump tower wont even affect you at all. And Ice Pump was sacrificed for some moves to be maxed out.
Stun/Gravity Granades: Crowd control moves are sacrificed for some moves to be maxed. Some crowd control alternatives are Wax, Bubble Bubble, and Alfredo Stomp. (Just learn how to lure using Alpedo)
Mechanic Mode: Another revamp in KDN says that SS Reload skills CANNOT be used when Mechanic Mode is active(Splash, Mine Thrower, Biochemical Missile). Better prepare for it's gamestyle than waste money for Skill reset Scroll
Q: Why Demolition instead of Skyline? Isn't Skyline more powerful than Demolition?
A: FALSE. It used to be stronger than Demolition, but since the Engi revamp, Demolition's mechanics has changed. It gives you choice to execute it to either scatter-shot for 8sec or dish out 1 powerful burst damage by right-click. Right click is the best choice since what  kind of idiot will stand for 8 secs in the same area while the boss is attacking. Another reason is that damage of lvl2 Demolition right-click is higher than Skyline lvl2. Demolition burst deals 4566%+86399 while Skyline deals 4281%+53699 in total. Worried about action mechanics? Skyline and Demolition Right-click has the same time of action mechanics for damage to be executed. So which will you choose?
Q: How to conserve mana consumption for SS?
A: Dont spam Reload every CD. Concentrate on gaining 10 bullets first, then organise debuffs, then dish out damage using either Mine Thrower or Splash. Use Reload if the bullet count duration will be over. That's all I can recommend. Even with this tactic, SS's mana is still bound to go down fast without LF or high MP recov. I suggest crafting Vigor if you have old threaded loop items.
Q: Which is better, SS or GM?
A: NEITHER. Every class always depend on playstyle. Some say it's risky to Splash upclose. Some say it's boring to spam MM Cannon Tower. Some say it's tedious to charge bullets for DPS. Classes exist so you can choose between them. Which is better among them is the challenge of players. Strong class means the player is good and by strong I mean not the bullsh*t skill balancing of Dragon Nest.
Q: Why add Biochemical Missile? It's EX debuff is useless right? I rather give my 2 bullets to Splash EX. What a waste of skill point allotment...
A: For me better having debuff than nothing. if you know the boss has defense, don't use BCM. But your not only after the debuff of the BCM, but the it's utility damage as an AOE move. It's not mana-efficient enough to spam Splash EX on mobs while you can just wipe them out easily with 1 Biochemical Missile. Not to mention this skill at max is almost at par with Magma Wave EX with the right gears. If you don't want BCM in your build, I recommend alloting them to  Chemical Grenade
Q: I'm an Ice-Type SS? What skills should I sacrifice to max my Ice Pump Tower?
A: Biochemical Missile 

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