
Green Dragon Nest Survival Guide- Stage 5: Kalahan[DN SEA]

Kalahan has alot of enhanced version of elemental lord and force user skills.

Basic Attack: 
Fire wall EX: extremely large AOE around himself 
Icestab EX: a few arrays of ice spike in a semi-circular fashion in front of himself. 
Teleport Force Wave EX: push back effect , followed by the explosion similar to Spectrum shower.

Attack at Hpx3 onwards:
Flame Road: Multi-hit high damage. Use holy shield.
Mega Freezing Sword EX: Summon alot of freezing sword around the whole field, homing effect. Keep moving to avoid.
Ice Barrier: protect himself with a barrier. Ice sphere: summon afew spheres of ice above his head and throw them forward to the target.
Rolling Lava EX: throw up to 3 lava ball
Flame Bird EX: the flame birds have homing effect.Heavy damage. Clear buff. Can be destroyed with skills. 
Magic Missle: Shoot alot magic missle to the front. Dark elemental.
Choke Slam: Catch and choke a party member. Eventually, the target will be slammed onto the floor. Very high damage. Buff-clearing attack. It can be cancelled with lighting detonation.

Attacks at Final HP bar
Black Hole EX: Clear all buffs. Start with a shockwave (push back effect) and summon afew large blackholes which can move outwards from him. Extremely deadly and has large suction effect. If paladin can lure Kalahan into a corner, 1 or 2 of the blackhole will hit the wall and disappear. CD ~60sec
Flame Tornado: Summon a few moving flame tornado around the field. Very deadly. Safe zone- overlapping with kalahan or very far away from him. Very high burn damage. Must cure the burn ASAP. CD~30sec 
Mega Ice Stab EX: Summon alot of ice stab all around the field , with homing effect. Freeze and slow upon hit. CD~20sec

Baca Juga

Special attack
After reducing 1 bar of his HP (at Hpx3), he will start casting one of the special attacks.
He will cast it every 90sec after that. The color/element of this attack is random.
Red: Fly to the sky with a huge fireball
Blue: Fly to the sky with a huge iceball
Purple: Summon afew dark pits which has suction effect (this one is a fake total annilation attack, no need to gather in flower if you don't need the mp heal). Very high dmg and clear buff when it explode.
Green: Fly to the sky with a huge greenball

These special attacks can be avoided by going into the one of the flower with the matching color before he cast it, within 10 sec. Failure to do so will result in total anniliation. Each flower give buff to the party member (except for the green one).:

Red: Fire Defence increase
Blue: Water Defence increase
Purple: MP heal full
Green: MP all drain
Click to Enlarge
Battle Flow
HP x 4

- lure kalahan to the blue flower. Why blue? because it's at the edge. Will help to reduce the number of blackhole and provide ample space to evade flame tornado later. Blue edge is chosen because pt members can reach green, blue and red flowers easily from blue flower location. Purple flower is the further away from blue and it's not required to gather there for evasion of the special attackes. Others:
- deal dmg to reach HPx3.

First special attack, typically blue or red, will trigger.
- use curing hand before Hpx3 to cure the freeze status.
- use buff counter as timer. After ~90sec, from the 1st special attack, the nxt one will be triggered. Curing hand will be used again to cure the freeze.

- use elemental aura here to reduce dmg from elemental attack and facilitate the release from freeze status. 

- use speed buffer after freeze to facilitate movement of party members to the flowers.

For a decent dps party, the 2nd Special Attack will be triggered below at least 50% of Hpx2. All go hide into the correct flower again.
Here it's possible to get blue, red, green or purple special attack.
If blue/red, just hide accordingly, as per normal.
For green attack, after hiding in the green flower, switch to vigor weapon if you need to recover MP.
For purple attack, dark pits will be spawn on your feet. You will need to get out from the dark pit ASAP before it explodes.

- Do not cast superarmor buff. Your party member will need to pushback effect to evade blackhole at HPx1.
- At the end of HP x 2, the transition to HPx1, quickly use devastating howl and everybody run away from kalahan to the other edge (purple flower side), except for the MT. The devastating howl ensures everybody is safe during this retreat.

- stay with kalahan to keep him at the blue edge, away from other other party members.

- Speed buffer helps party members to get away quickly.

Wait for the casting of blackhole. While waiting, observe kalahan and evade his skills according from far. Once blackhole is cast,
Merc - use superarmor buff, highland
Speedbuffer - Use speed buff to make your party members move fast.
Other - approach kalahan immediately. DO NOT run near the blackhole. The suction might drag you into it. Priest - miracle relic
Force user - time acceleration Deal damage as fast as you can.

If the party fail to kill kalahan after 60sec (use highland as counter),
Merc- use deva howl again, and all party member retreat to purple side to wait for blackhole again.

If kalahan use AOE freeze and trigger his special attack at his last Hp bar during the DPS phase:
- Hide in the correct flower
- Check with timer, if time left for the next blackhole is < 30sec, wait at the purple edge
- Do not go in for DPS without miracle hand or highland.
- Wait for the next blackhole, and repeat the cycle. Make sure miracle hand or highland is ready.

Stage 5 Video

* Green Dragon Boots
* Advanced Armor (Onyx) ,
Weapon (Crystal) and
Diamond Potential Code

Proceed to Green Dragon Nest Survival Guide- Stage 6: Green Dragon [DN SEA]

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