
Which Mercenary is Better: Barbarian or Destroyer? [Dragon Nest]

A lot of players in Dragon Nest SEA ask me on what would be my preferred 2nd job advancement if I were to take the Mercenary as my character. Well, in my opinion, it's really hard to choose between the two as we all know that they are merely identical. Both of them uses the physical attack power which only means that you can't choose which skill tree you want to advance, just like the Swordmaster. In addition, I can't really decide yet because both my Destroyer and Barbarian skill build is almost identical and lastly, both of these clas are really powerful that it's even harder for me to choose between the two.Think of this, Destroyer have skills that make them stand out against Barbarian while Barbarian also have skills that makes them stand out against Destroyer.

So, I think that the most effective way to decide what class advancement will be perfect for you is to dig way deeper. More like having an in-depth comparison between the two. To be more specific, we should try to look at each class' strengths and weaknesses.

Now, to help myself and my readers, I have put up a guide which jot down the pros and cons of both Barbarian and Destroyer. Take note that the things that I have included in this guide was based on my experience playing the game and with the help of a little research. Feel free to give your thoughts on my guide or even correct some things, if I have missed out on some points. So, let' cut to the chase and in with the comparison of Destroyer and Barbarian.

Think you can hide from your oh-so-powerful armor? The Destroyer think otherwise, as he pounds your armor into dust. Don't think of escaping either because he can manipulate his surrounding energy to draw you to him!
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Strengths of a Destroyer

- Easy to level up
- Very high super-armor
- High physical defense
- Fast in terms of movement
- Almost every skills in the Mercenary skill tree is AOE
- Able to stack Max Final Damage stat plus high Critical stat without a problem (except for the gold part :D).

Gigantic Bomb:
- Has decent damage
- Long range skill with frontal AOE

2nd Job Skills:
1. Breaking Point:
- Can break super-armor state of an enemy
- Great in PVP to stop attacks from other class which has both high damage and super armor capabilities
- If super-armor breaks, it will land a critical hit.
2. Flying Swing Ex
- Adds a 5 meter frontal shockwave to the skill which makes it a semi-long range attack
- Your class will be at high super-armor state when you cast this skill
- Can break enemies super-armor and will throw them very high into the air
3. Maelstrom Howl:
- When skill is in action, you will gain 70% damage taken reduction.
- Can penetrate to enemy's defense buffs except for Iron Skin
- Great PVP skill

Weaknesses of a Destroyer
- Has low magical defense
- Very expensive gears, especially when you are going for perfect Destroyer gears
- The Breaking Point skill is dependent of "Chance/Probability" to activate

The Barbarian is truly a force to be reckoned with. His unyielding strength knows no bound as he relentlessly pummels his opponents, breaking their spirit and bones in one single blow. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust, Amen!
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Strengths of a Barbarian
- Easy to level up
- Very high super-armor
- High physical defense
- Fast in terms of movement
- Almost every skills in the Mercenary skill tree is AOE
- Able to stack Max Final Damage stat plus high Critical stat without a problem (except for the gold part :D).

Cyclone Axe:
- Has decent damage
- Perfect to use in PVP as enemies will be swirling into the air while your other skills are in cooldown. After Cyclone Axe, you can then combo them until they die.
- Very effective in close range situations
- Has larger damage output compared to Gigantic Bomb (Destroyers' Ultimate)

2nd Job Skills
Offend Hit:
- A great damage booster to both your character and your party.
- It can double the damage dealt to the enemy
- Very high damage output when it has been activated and your using burst damage skills

Stomp Ex:
- AOE of Stomp is greatly increase as this passive skill adds 1 additional wave
- Great in terms of crowd debuffing (both PVE and group PVP) as enemies hit by this skill will be slowed by 60%

Bone Crash:
- Gives additional damage to each hit
- Good for party dmage boost 
- Perfectly paired with Cyclone Axe or Whirlwind to inflict huge damage to enemies

Weaknesses of a Barbarian
- Has low magical defense
- Very expensive gears, especially when you are going for perfect Destroyer gears
- The Offend Hit skill is dependent of "Chance/Probability" to activate
- The add. damage buff of Bone Crush is rumored to be not working on Nest Bosses.

Considering all these facts, I presume the following conclusion:
1. Destroyer has a slight advantage of Barbarian in PVP (1v1) because of the following skills:
- Breaking Point
- Maelstrom Howl
2. On the other hand, Barbarian has a slight advantage over Destroyer in term of group PVP and PVE because they have the following skills:
- Offend Hit
- Stomp Ex
- Bone Crash
3. Overall, I can say that Destroyer has a very slight advantage on one-on-one matches and can solo dungeons and nests while Barbarian is more effective in groups because of their additional damage buff.

So, after knowing all these things? What do you prefer: Barbarian or Destroyer?

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