
Are You Bored? Go and Talk With Simsimi...

If the famous iPhone 4S has its Siri, then the web has Simsimi to be your friend when you get bored surfing the internet. SimSimi is a popular artificial intelligence conversation program created in 2002 by ISMaker. The word "Simsimi", pronounced as "shim-shimee", is from a Korean word simsim (심심) which means "bored". In short, it's one of the cure for your boredom.

"The program has been compared with iPhone4S’s Siri feature without the voice capability. The program can also be downloaded from Google Play in Android phones," Google said of Simsimi.

The application is famous in countries like United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Malaysia and most recently, in the Philippines. However, somehow someway, the application become a less famous or should I say infamous in Thailand for some of its responses containing profanity and criticisms of leading politicians. Well, I tried to TALK WITH SIMSIMI yesterday and from what I've experienced, many of his responses really relates to what you're telling it but sometimes, well, it's not even close enough. For example is that when you tried to ask that, "Do you know Freddy Mcmillen?", then you will be amazed that actually it has details on that person but when you continue asking him questions and try to deepen the conversation, well, it will reply some a whole lot of answers that are certainly out of the topic. And at some point, there are really replies that can really frustrates or make a person angry. Well, it's not really the application to blame because, people can also teach Simsimi on what to reply when asked with a certain question.

So, if you're kinda bored now. Go ahead and talk with Simsimi now!

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