25 Game GBA Populer
Berikut adalah bebrapa game GBA yang sering dimainkan oleh gamers dan yang memiliki rating terpopuler

25) Super Monkey Ball Jr. 25) Super Monyet Bola Jr
Developer: Realism Pengembang: Realisme
Publisher: SEGA Publisher: SEGA
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 Though THQ gave the Game Boy Advance rendition the moniker "junior," there was nothing small about this portable product. Meskipun THQ memberikan rendisi Game Boy Advance moniker "junior," tak ada yang kecil tentang produk ini portabel. The series began in the arcades and on the GameCube as a Marble Madness-inspired action game with tons of unlockable features and modes, and for the Game Boy Advance version the UK development studio Realism managed to squeak out every ounce of potential in the GBA's hardware to offer that same fun and frantic experience. Seri mulai di arcade dan di GameCube sebagai permainan Madness yang terinspirasi Marmer aksi dengan banyak fitur unlockable dan mode, dan untuk versi Game Boy Advance Realisme Inggris studio pengembangan berhasil mencicit keluar setiap ons potensi di hardware GBA itu untuk menawarkan yang menyenangkan dan pengalaman yang sama panik. The GBA version might not stand the test of time when compared to the rising power of other handhelds, but when it was released Super Monkey Ball Jr . managed to really show off what the system could do, and it's rare to see a third-party developer pour so much effort into so many game modes on the portable system. Versi GBA mungkin tidak bertahan dalam ujian waktu bila dibandingkan dengan meningkatnya kekuasaan handheld lainnya, tetapi ketika dirilis super Monyet Bola Jr berhasil untuk benar-benar memamerkan apa sistem bisa dilakukan., dan itu langka untuk melihat pihak ketiga pengembang menuangkan begitu banyak usaha dalam mode permainan begitu banyak pada sistem portabel. Though the development studio couldn't survive very long after Super Monkey Ball Jr.'s release, Realism went out with a bang with one of the finest console-to-handheld ports on the GBA. Meskipun studio pembangunan tidak dapat bertahan lama setelah rilis super Monyet Bola Jr, Realisme pergi dengan bang dengan salah satu konsol genggam-ke-port terbaik di GBA.
24) Golden Sun 24) Golden Sun
Developer: Camelot Pengembang: Camelot
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2001 Tahun Rilis: 2001 One of the first "hyped" games on the Game Boy Advance, Camelot -- who had been making much of its money with Golf and Tennis games on the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy -- returned to its RPG roots with an original adventure that could give Square's teams a run for their money. Salah satu yang pertama "hyped" permainan di Game Boy Advance, Camelot - yang telah membuat banyak uang dengan permainan Golf dan Tenis di Nintendo 64 dan Game Boy - kembali ke akar RPG dengan sebuah petualangan yang asli yang dapat memberikan tim Square kabur uang mereka. This game pushed amazing visuals, a dynamic soundtrack, and a complex story, and even though it focused on the archaic "random turn-based battles" mechanic for half of its gameplay, it was still a fulfilling console-style experience on such a small system. Permainan ini mendorong visual yang menakjubkan, soundtrack yang dinamis, dan sebuah cerita yang kompleks, dan meskipun itu terfokus pada "pertempuran acak turn-based" kuno mekanik untuk setengah dari gameplay-nya, itu masih merupakan pengalaman konsol gaya memenuhi pada seperti kecil sistem. Its sequel, Golden Sun : The Lost Age, tweaked and streamlined a bit, and actually enabled data transfers from the first game in the series...but it was the original release that made the biggest impact for Game Boy Advance gamers. Its sekuel, Golden Sun : The Age Hilang, tweak dan efisien sedikit, dan benar-benar memungkinkan transfer data dari game pertama dalam seri ... tapi itu rilis asli yang membuat dampak terbesar bagi para gamer Game Boy Advance.
23) Ninja Five-O 23) Ninja Lima-O
Developer: Hudson Pengembang: Hudson
Publisher: Konami Publisher: Konami
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 A bad name with even worse box-art, Ninja Five-O hit the scene with a collective shrug by the gaming population. Sebuah nama yang buruk dengan seni bahkan lebih buruk-box, Ninja Lima-O hit adegan dengan mengangkat bahu kolektif oleh penduduk game. And then, suddenly, people started playing the game within. Dan kemudian, tiba-tiba, orang mulai memainkan permainan dalam. It's a completely old-school inspired action design that melds such classics as Capcom's Bionic Commando, Sega's Shinobi, and Namco's Rolling Thunder, and what's more it's incredibly fun and challenging -- a side-scrolling arcade-style game that could only really thrive these days on the 2D-happy Game Boy Advance platform. Ini desain aksi benar-benar tua-sekolah terinspirasi bahwa melds klasik seperti Komando Bionic Capcom, Sega Shinobi, dan Thunder Namco Rolling dan apa lagi itu sangat menyenangkan dan menantang - sisi-scrolling arcade-gaya permainan yang hanya bisa benar-benar berkembang ini hari pada platform 2D-senang Game Boy Advance. It's one of the toughest games to find in the used cartridge market; finding it won't make you rich, though. Itu salah satu pertandingan terberat untuk menemukan di pasar kartrid digunakan; menemukan itu tidak akan membuat Anda kaya, meskipun. It's only valuable in the "awesome gameplay" sense...and in this case, it's worth its weight in gold. Ini hanya berharga dalam arti "mengagumkan game" ... dan dalam kasus ini, itu layak dan berat emas.
22) Mario vs. Donkey Kong 22) Mario vs Donkey Kong
Developer: NST Pengembang: NST
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 Way back in the black and white Game Boy days Nintendo updated its classic Donkey Kong arcade design with a contemporary design that fleshed out the barrel-jumping, hammer-whacking mechanics into a huge assortment of full-screen puzzle games. Jalan kembali pada hari-hari permainan hitam dan putih Boy diperbaharui Nintendo klasik Donkey Kong arcade desain dengan desain kontemporer yang fleshed keluar tong-melompat, memukul palu mekanik menjadi berbagai besar layar penuh permainan puzzle. That concept was the basis for this NST-developed production. Bahwa konsep merupakan dasar untuk produksi NST-dikembangkan. The added power of the Game Boy Advance not just enhanced the visuals, but the team managed to squeeze in a bunch of new puzzle ideas in the update. Kekuatan tambahan dari Game Boy Advance tidak hanya meningkatkan visual, tetapi tim berhasil memeras dalam sekelompok ide teka-teki baru di update. It's a great game that fits the Game Boy Advance's pick-up-and-play environment since players could whip out the system, solve a puzzle, and put it away for later. Ini adalah permainan besar yang cocok pick-up-and-play lingkungan Game Boy Advance sejak pemain bisa mencabut sistem, memecahkan teka-teki, dan menyimpannya untuk nanti.
21) Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town 21) Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town
Developer: Marvelous Pengembang: Marvelous
Publisher: Natsume Publisher: Natsume
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 You would think that hoeing the fields, milking the cows, and other menial tasks would make for an unbelievably boring videogame experience, but Natsume's Harvest Moon series manages to suck gamers into its economic-focused gameplay. Anda akan berpikir bahwa mencangkul ladang, memerah sapi, dan tugas-tugas kasar lainnya akan membuat untuk pengalaman videogame luar biasa membosankan, tetapi seri Harvest Bulan Natsume berhasil menyedot gamer ke ekonomi yang berfokus pada gameplay-nya. "Addictive as crack" would not be a strong enough term for this game, and the Game Boy Advance version works extraordinarily well because you can take the experience with you. "Adiktif sebagai retak" tidak akan cukup kuat istilah untuk permainan ini, dan Game Boy versi Muka bekerja luar biasa baik karena Anda dapat mengambil pengalaman dengan Anda. The goal is to live a full life on the farm, and you'll find hours upon hours just drifting away as you try to reach that mark. Tujuannya adalah untuk hidup penuh di pertanian, dan Anda akan menemukan berjam-jam hanya melayang menjauh saat Anda mencoba untuk mencapai tanda itu. If you'd rather play as a girl, Natsume released Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town with slight tweaks to the translation and gameplay, and it was also a foundation for the Nintendo DS version of Harvest Moon, but its the original game that made the big splash. Jika Anda lebih suka bermain sebagai seorang gadis, Natsume dirilis Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Lebih dengan tweak kecil untuk terjemahan dan gameplay, dan itu juga merupakan landasan untuk versi Nintendo DS dari Harvest Moon, tapi permainan aslinya yang membuat percikan besar.
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25) Super Monkey Ball Jr. 25) Super Monyet Bola Jr
Developer: Realism Pengembang: Realisme
Publisher: SEGA Publisher: SEGA
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 Though THQ gave the Game Boy Advance rendition the moniker "junior," there was nothing small about this portable product. Meskipun THQ memberikan rendisi Game Boy Advance moniker "junior," tak ada yang kecil tentang produk ini portabel. The series began in the arcades and on the GameCube as a Marble Madness-inspired action game with tons of unlockable features and modes, and for the Game Boy Advance version the UK development studio Realism managed to squeak out every ounce of potential in the GBA's hardware to offer that same fun and frantic experience. Seri mulai di arcade dan di GameCube sebagai permainan Madness yang terinspirasi Marmer aksi dengan banyak fitur unlockable dan mode, dan untuk versi Game Boy Advance Realisme Inggris studio pengembangan berhasil mencicit keluar setiap ons potensi di hardware GBA itu untuk menawarkan yang menyenangkan dan pengalaman yang sama panik. The GBA version might not stand the test of time when compared to the rising power of other handhelds, but when it was released Super Monkey Ball Jr . managed to really show off what the system could do, and it's rare to see a third-party developer pour so much effort into so many game modes on the portable system. Versi GBA mungkin tidak bertahan dalam ujian waktu bila dibandingkan dengan meningkatnya kekuasaan handheld lainnya, tetapi ketika dirilis super Monyet Bola Jr berhasil untuk benar-benar memamerkan apa sistem bisa dilakukan., dan itu langka untuk melihat pihak ketiga pengembang menuangkan begitu banyak usaha dalam mode permainan begitu banyak pada sistem portabel. Though the development studio couldn't survive very long after Super Monkey Ball Jr.'s release, Realism went out with a bang with one of the finest console-to-handheld ports on the GBA. Meskipun studio pembangunan tidak dapat bertahan lama setelah rilis super Monyet Bola Jr, Realisme pergi dengan bang dengan salah satu konsol genggam-ke-port terbaik di GBA.
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2001 Tahun Rilis: 2001 One of the first "hyped" games on the Game Boy Advance, Camelot -- who had been making much of its money with Golf and Tennis games on the Nintendo 64 and Game Boy -- returned to its RPG roots with an original adventure that could give Square's teams a run for their money. Salah satu yang pertama "hyped" permainan di Game Boy Advance, Camelot - yang telah membuat banyak uang dengan permainan Golf dan Tenis di Nintendo 64 dan Game Boy - kembali ke akar RPG dengan sebuah petualangan yang asli yang dapat memberikan tim Square kabur uang mereka. This game pushed amazing visuals, a dynamic soundtrack, and a complex story, and even though it focused on the archaic "random turn-based battles" mechanic for half of its gameplay, it was still a fulfilling console-style experience on such a small system. Permainan ini mendorong visual yang menakjubkan, soundtrack yang dinamis, dan sebuah cerita yang kompleks, dan meskipun itu terfokus pada "pertempuran acak turn-based" kuno mekanik untuk setengah dari gameplay-nya, itu masih merupakan pengalaman konsol gaya memenuhi pada seperti kecil sistem. Its sequel, Golden Sun : The Lost Age, tweaked and streamlined a bit, and actually enabled data transfers from the first game in the series...but it was the original release that made the biggest impact for Game Boy Advance gamers. Its sekuel, Golden Sun : The Age Hilang, tweak dan efisien sedikit, dan benar-benar memungkinkan transfer data dari game pertama dalam seri ... tapi itu rilis asli yang membuat dampak terbesar bagi para gamer Game Boy Advance.
Developer: Hudson Pengembang: Hudson
Publisher: Konami Publisher: Konami
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 A bad name with even worse box-art, Ninja Five-O hit the scene with a collective shrug by the gaming population. Sebuah nama yang buruk dengan seni bahkan lebih buruk-box, Ninja Lima-O hit adegan dengan mengangkat bahu kolektif oleh penduduk game. And then, suddenly, people started playing the game within. Dan kemudian, tiba-tiba, orang mulai memainkan permainan dalam. It's a completely old-school inspired action design that melds such classics as Capcom's Bionic Commando, Sega's Shinobi, and Namco's Rolling Thunder, and what's more it's incredibly fun and challenging -- a side-scrolling arcade-style game that could only really thrive these days on the 2D-happy Game Boy Advance platform. Ini desain aksi benar-benar tua-sekolah terinspirasi bahwa melds klasik seperti Komando Bionic Capcom, Sega Shinobi, dan Thunder Namco Rolling dan apa lagi itu sangat menyenangkan dan menantang - sisi-scrolling arcade-gaya permainan yang hanya bisa benar-benar berkembang ini hari pada platform 2D-senang Game Boy Advance. It's one of the toughest games to find in the used cartridge market; finding it won't make you rich, though. Itu salah satu pertandingan terberat untuk menemukan di pasar kartrid digunakan; menemukan itu tidak akan membuat Anda kaya, meskipun. It's only valuable in the "awesome gameplay" sense...and in this case, it's worth its weight in gold. Ini hanya berharga dalam arti "mengagumkan game" ... dan dalam kasus ini, itu layak dan berat emas.
Developer: NST Pengembang: NST
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 Way back in the black and white Game Boy days Nintendo updated its classic Donkey Kong arcade design with a contemporary design that fleshed out the barrel-jumping, hammer-whacking mechanics into a huge assortment of full-screen puzzle games. Jalan kembali pada hari-hari permainan hitam dan putih Boy diperbaharui Nintendo klasik Donkey Kong arcade desain dengan desain kontemporer yang fleshed keluar tong-melompat, memukul palu mekanik menjadi berbagai besar layar penuh permainan puzzle. That concept was the basis for this NST-developed production. Bahwa konsep merupakan dasar untuk produksi NST-dikembangkan. The added power of the Game Boy Advance not just enhanced the visuals, but the team managed to squeeze in a bunch of new puzzle ideas in the update. Kekuatan tambahan dari Game Boy Advance tidak hanya meningkatkan visual, tetapi tim berhasil memeras dalam sekelompok ide teka-teki baru di update. It's a great game that fits the Game Boy Advance's pick-up-and-play environment since players could whip out the system, solve a puzzle, and put it away for later. Ini adalah permainan besar yang cocok pick-up-and-play lingkungan Game Boy Advance sejak pemain bisa mencabut sistem, memecahkan teka-teki, dan menyimpannya untuk nanti.
Developer: Marvelous Pengembang: Marvelous
Publisher: Natsume Publisher: Natsume
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 You would think that hoeing the fields, milking the cows, and other menial tasks would make for an unbelievably boring videogame experience, but Natsume's Harvest Moon series manages to suck gamers into its economic-focused gameplay. Anda akan berpikir bahwa mencangkul ladang, memerah sapi, dan tugas-tugas kasar lainnya akan membuat untuk pengalaman videogame luar biasa membosankan, tetapi seri Harvest Bulan Natsume berhasil menyedot gamer ke ekonomi yang berfokus pada gameplay-nya. "Addictive as crack" would not be a strong enough term for this game, and the Game Boy Advance version works extraordinarily well because you can take the experience with you. "Adiktif sebagai retak" tidak akan cukup kuat istilah untuk permainan ini, dan Game Boy versi Muka bekerja luar biasa baik karena Anda dapat mengambil pengalaman dengan Anda. The goal is to live a full life on the farm, and you'll find hours upon hours just drifting away as you try to reach that mark. Tujuannya adalah untuk hidup penuh di pertanian, dan Anda akan menemukan berjam-jam hanya melayang menjauh saat Anda mencoba untuk mencapai tanda itu. If you'd rather play as a girl, Natsume released Harvest Moon: More Friends of Mineral Town with slight tweaks to the translation and gameplay, and it was also a foundation for the Nintendo DS version of Harvest Moon, but its the original game that made the big splash. Jika Anda lebih suka bermain sebagai seorang gadis, Natsume dirilis Harvest Moon: Friends of Mineral Town Lebih dengan tweak kecil untuk terjemahan dan gameplay, dan itu juga merupakan landasan untuk versi Nintendo DS dari Harvest Moon, tapi permainan aslinya yang membuat percikan besar.
20) Legend of Zelda: Cap Minish
Developer: Flagship Pengembang: Flagship
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2005 Tahun Rilis: 2005 Every Nintendo system needs a Legend of Zelda game. Setiap sistem Nintendo membutuhkan Legenda permainan Zelda. It's almost the law or something. Ini hampir hukum atau sesuatu. It took the Game Boy Advance several years before a development team hunkered down to create an original adventure for the portable system, and the one that was created was an incredibly fun and charming adventure that brought back a lot of the familiar 2D overhead game mechanics established in past games on the Super NES, NES, and Game Boy. Butuh Game Boy Advance beberapa tahun sebelum tim pengembangan jongkok untuk menciptakan sebuah petualangan asli untuk sistem portabel, dan salah satu yang diciptakan adalah petualangan yang sangat menyenangkan dan menarik yang membawa kembali banyak dari mekanika game 2D akrab overhead yang didirikan di pertandingan terakhir di Super NES, SPN, dan Game Boy. The inclusion of the ability to shrink and grow was explored to some really good results, giving Link and players the ability to explore a world that would have normally gone unnoticed at the character's feet. Dimasukkannya kemampuan untuk mengecilkan dan tumbuh dieksplorasi beberapa hasil benar-benar baik, memberi Link dan pemain kemampuan untuk menjelajahi dunia yang akan biasanya pergi tanpa diketahui di kaki karakter. There's a huge world to explore when you're the size of a bug, and the designers pushed some great ideas in this adventure. Ada dunia yang besar untuk mengeksplorasi ketika Anda ukuran bug, dan desainer mendorong beberapa ide-ide besar dalam petualangan ini.
19) Mario Kart Super Circuit 19) Mario Kart super Sirkuit
Developer: Intelligent Systems Pengembang: Sistem Cerdas
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2001 Tahun Rilis: 2001 Mario Kart Super Circuit was, literally, the premiere game for the Game Boy Advance. Mario Kart super Sirkuit itu, secara harfiah, permainan premier untuk Game Boy Advance. Though the game took several months after the launch of the system to be released, it was the game Nintendo spotlighted at the debut of the hardware. Meskipun permainan waktu beberapa bulan setelah peluncuran sistem akan dirilis, itu adalah game Nintendo menyoroti pada debut perangkat keras. It was the game that showed gamers that the Game Boy Advance had the ability to bring Super NES experiences to a portable, and in a way that blew away the visuals and audio of the 16-bit console. Itu adalah permainan yang menunjukkan gamer bahwa Game Boy Advance memiliki kemampuan untuk membawa super pengalaman SPN ke portabel, dan dengan cara yang meniup visual dan audio dari konsol 16-bit. The game mechanics of Mario Kart were tweaked for Super Circuit, but the heart of the Super NES game was clearly here. Mekanika game Mario Kart yang tweak untuk Circuit Super, tetapi jantung dari permainan Super NES jelas di sini. The designers even exploited the GBA's single cartridge multiplayer function so that four players could hit some classic SNES courses without the need to buy a copy of the game. Para desainer bahkan mengeksploitasi cartridge tunggal yang GBA itu fungsi multiplayer sehingga empat pemain bisa memukul beberapa SNES program klasik tanpa perlu membeli salinan permainan. And after the competition? Dan setelah kompetisi? They went out and bought a copy anyway. Mereka pergi keluar dan membeli salinan pula. Awesome work. Mengagumkan bekerja.
18) Metroid Fusion 18) Fusion Metroid
Developer: Intelligent System Pengembang: Sistem Cerdas
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 By the time of Metroid Fusion's development, the franchise had already been snagged by the GameCube as the ultimate first-person adventure. Pada waktu pengembangan Fusion Metroid ini, waralaba telah tersangkut oleh GameCube sebagai orang pertama petualangan utama. But for those who really wanted to go back to the roots of the series, and that's the void Metroid Fusion fills -- the game is a throwback to the gameplay mechanics of the classic Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid II, but it moves the story forward and gives Samus a sleek new look. Tetapi bagi mereka yang benar-benar ingin kembali ke akar dari seri, dan itu kekosongan Metroid Fusion mengisi - permainan ini adalah sebuah kemunduran untuk mekanisme gameplay dari Metroid klasik, II Metroid, dan Metroid Super, tetapi bergerak cerita ke depan dan memberikan Samus tampilan baru yang ramping. It was an incredibly fun adventure with the traditional "Metroid Twist." Ini adalah petualangan yang sangat menyenangkan dengan tradisional "Twist Metroid."
17) Super Mario Advance 2: Super Mario World 17) Super Mario Lanjut 2: Super Mario World
Developer: Nintendo Pengembang: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 Super Mario World was easily one of the top games in the Super Mario platforming series as it introduced new game mechanics to the mix, including branching paths, multiple exits, multiple endings, and, most importantly, Yoshi! Super Mario World adalah mudah salah satu permainan top di seri Super Mario Platforming karena memperkenalkan mekanika game baru untuk campuran, termasuk jalan bercabang, keluar beberapa, beberapa akhir, dan yang paling penting, Yoshi! Like the other Super Mario Advance games on the handheld, the original game didn't lose a whole lot in the shrinking from console to portable ten years later, which meant that you could get the same brilliant platform experience on the go. Seperti Mario game lain muka super di genggam, game asli tidak kehilangan seluruh banyak dalam menyusut dari konsol untuk portabel sepuluh tahun kemudian, yang berarti bahwa Anda bisa mendapatkan pengalaman platform yang sama brilian di perjalanan.
16) Fire Emblem 16) Lambang Api
Developer: Intelligent Systems Pengembang: Sistem Cerdas
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 Nintendo teased gamers with a couple of super secret hidden character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Marth from a game that was in Japan exclusively: Fire Emblem . Nintendo menggoda gamer dengan beberapa karakter tersembunyi Super rahasia di Super Smash Bros Melee, Marth dari permainan yang di Jepang secara eksklusif: Lambang Api . Before then, most American gamers didn't have a clue to what the game was, and what they were missing out on. Sebelum itu, sebagian besar gamer Amerika tidak memiliki petunjuk apa permainan itu, dan apa yang mereka kehilangan. It was Fire Emblem on the Game Boy Advance where Nintendo used the opportunity to bring this unique RPG-focused strategy game to the states. Itu Emblem Kebakaran di Game Boy Advance Nintendo digunakan di mana kesempatan untuk membawa game RPG ini berfokus pada strategi yang unik untuk negara. And thank god they did -- this is easily one of the top games in the GBA library -- though much of the gameplay mechanics had been recycled in the more familiar (and available) Advance Wars game, the addition of characters who will die -- permanently -- really changed up the way players had to adjust their techniques. Dan terima kasih tuhan mereka - ini adalah mudah salah satu permainan top di perpustakaan GBA - meskipun banyak dari mekanika game telah didaur ulang dalam (dan tersedia) lebih akrab Lanjut Wars permainan, penambahan karakter yang akan mati - - permanen - benar-benar berubah sampai cara pemain harus menyesuaikan teknik-teknik mereka.
15) Mario Tenis
Developer: Camelot Pengembang: Camelot
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2005 Tahun Rilis: 2005
Camelot already proved itself in the realm of tennis and golf on the original Game Boy Color, so when the team announced that it would be creating a follow-up to the game on the Game Boy Advance, we weren't surprised that the sequel ended up as awesome as it did. Camelot sudah membuktikan diri di bidang tenis dan golf di Game Boy Color yang asli, sehingga ketika tim mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan membuat tindak lanjut ke permainan di Game Boy Advance, kami tidak terkejut bahwa sekuel berakhir sebagai awesome itu. The game featured a much more fleshed out single player experience and also brought forth more Mario characters and moves for this update. Permainan menampilkan pengalaman keluar pemain yang jauh lebih fleshed tunggal dan juga melahirkan lebih karakter Mario dan bergerak untuk update ini. The power moves we're a cool addition, but luckily they didn't need to be in play at all times if you just wanted to hit the courts to play a much more traditional version of the sport. Listrik bergerak kita tambahan keren, tapi untungnya mereka tidak perlu bermain setiap saat jika Anda hanya ingin memukul pengadilan untuk memainkan versi yang jauh lebih tradisional dari olahraga.
14) Final Fantasy Tactics Advance 14) Fantasy Tactics Lanjut Akhir
Developer: Square Pengembang: Persegi
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 At this point in the Game Boy Advance's life cycle, Square Enix wasn't quite ready to bet the farm on the Nintendo handheld. Pada titik ini dalam siklus hidup Game Boy Advance ini, Square Enix tidak cukup siap untuk bertaruh pertanian di genggam Nintendo. The studio was carefully testing the waters, and one of its early games, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance , brought back a really excellent PlayStation game's theme in a new and original storyline. Studio hati-hati menguji air, dan salah satu game awal, Fantasy Tactics Akhir Muka , membawa kembali tema permainan PlayStation benar-benar sangat baik dalam alur cerita yang baru dan asli. This GBA game offered some great strategy, some excellent characters, and really challenging gameplay in a take-anywhere form. GBA game ini menawarkan beberapa strategi yang hebat, beberapa karakter yang sangat baik, dan gameplay yang benar-benar menantang dalam bentuk mengambil-mana saja.
13) Ultimate Card Games 13) Permainan Kartu Ultimate
Developer: Cosmigo Pengembang: Cosmigo
Publisher: Telegames Penerbit: Telegames
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 When you have a Game Boy Advance on you, you want to have a cartridge that has a tremendous amount of replay value, and one with pick-up-and-play appeal. Bila Anda memiliki Game Boy Advance pada Anda, Anda ingin memiliki cartridge yang memiliki sejumlah besar nilai replay, dan satu dengan pick-up-and-play banding. Telegames managed to create one of the few "must have" third party games in the GBA line-up with a collection of card games that are near impossible to put down. Telegames berhasil menciptakan salah satu dari beberapa "harus memiliki" permainan pihak ketiga dalam GBA line-up dengan koleksi permainan kartu yang hampir mustahil untuk meletakkan. Solitaire, Cribbage, Poker, Black Jack and a good number more are available in this cartridge, and what's more, any multiplayer game can be sent to other systems without the need for an additional cart. Solitaire, Cribbage, Poker, Black Jack dan sejumlah yang baik lebih banyak tersedia dalam cartridge ini, dan apa lagi, setiap permainan multiplayer dapat dikirim ke sistem lain tanpa perlu sebuah kereta tambahan. On top of all this, the game has fantastic statistics tracking and a pretty awesome soundtrack to accompany the gameplay. Di atas semua ini, permainan memiliki pelacakan fantastis statistik dan soundtrack yang cukup mengagumkan untuk menemani gameplay. If you haven't picked this one up, why the heck not? Jika Anda belum mengambil satu ini sampai, mengapa sih tidak?
12) Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga 12) Mario & Luigi: Superstar Saga
Developer: Alphadream Pengembang: Alphadream
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 The Super NES had Super Mario RPG. Super NES Super Mario RPG itu. The Nintendo 64 and GameCube had Paper Mario. Nintendo 64 dan GameCube telah Paper Mario. And the Game Boy Advance? Dan Game Boy Advance? This is the portable equivalent. Ini adalah setara portabel. Both Mario and Luigi work together in this unique action RPG game that borrows heavily from the Super Paper Mario design. Kedua Mario dan Luigi bekerja sama dalam aksi permainan yang unik RPG yang meminjam banyak dari desain Kertas Super Mario. The way players manipulate both plumbers together gives the game a very unique feel, especially when you have to do very traditional Mario Bros. mechanics using both GBA buttons to do the jumping. Cara pemain memanipulasi baik tukang pipa bersama-sama memberikan permainan merasa sangat unik, terutama ketika Anda harus melakukan sangat tradisional Mario Bros mekanik menggunakan kedua tombol GBA untuk melakukan melompat. The battles feature some real-time elements that add an extra element of player involvement to spice up the gameplay. Pertempuran beberapa fitur real-time elemen yang menambahkan unsur tambahan keterlibatan pemain untuk membumbui gameplay. And the adventure's also funny as hell. Dan petualangan juga lucu sekali. A can't miss, gang. Tidak bisa ketinggalan, geng.
11) Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3 11) Super Mario Lanjut 4: Super Mario Bros 3
Developer: Nintendo Pengembang: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 Even though this Super Mario game came before the time of Yoshi and other cool elements that were introduced in Super Mario World , this was one of the top games in the series. Meskipun game ini Super Mario datang sebelum waktu Yoshi dan elemen menarik lainnya yang diperkenalkan di Super Mario World , ini adalah salah satu permainan top di seri. I mean, you could dress Mario up like a raccoon! Maksudku, kau bisa berpakaian Mario up seperti rakun! Seriously, this game featured some of the most tough-as-nails level designs in the series. Serius, game ini menampilkan beberapa yang paling tangguh-sebagai-paku desain tingkat dalam seri. And if they weren't enough, you could go out and buy a second Game Boy Advance, an e-Reader, a link cable, and a pack of cards to upload some brand new level designs that weren't built into the original cartridge. Dan jika mereka tidak cukup, Anda bisa pergi keluar dan membeli Boy Advance game kedua, e-Reader, kabel link, dan satu pak kartu untuk meng-upload beberapa desain tingkat merek baru yang tidak dibangun ke dalam cartridge original . It was a concept ahead of its time -- hopefully the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and the Nintendo DS can bring back the idea of post-release level updates. Ini adalah konsep dari waktu ke depan - mudah-mudahan Connection Nintendo Wi-Fi dan DS Nintendo bisa membawa kembali gagasan pasca-rilis update tingkat. But for now, you've got Super Mario Bros. 3 . Tetapi untuk sekarang, Anda punya Super Mario Bros 3 .
10) Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire
Developer: Game Freaks Pengembang: Freaks Permainan
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003
We couldn't do a top game list without Pokemon being in there somewhere, and the first official update to the incredibly deep Pokemon RPG franchise -- Ruby and Sapphire -- squeak in there with a place in the Top 10. Kami tidak bisa melakukan daftar permainan Pokemon atas tanpa berada di sana, dan update resmi pertama untuk franchise Pokemon RPG sangat mendalam - Ruby dan Sapphire - mencicit di sana dengan tempat di Top 10. And rightfully so, too. Dan memang seharusnya begitu. Yes, the game's clearly aimed at the younger crowd, and yes, it's really cool to hate on the hundreds of cute little critters and the millions upon millions of gamers who've enjoyed the design since the late 90s. Ya, permainan jelas ditujukan pada orang yang lebih muda, dan ya, itu benar-benar keren untuk membenci pada ratusan makhluk kecil yang lucu dan jutaan pada jutaan gamer yang pernah menikmati desain sejak akhir tahun 90an. But the Game Boy Advance game offers so much strategy...and everything you do in the package can be moved over to the console versions of the Pokemon battle games. Tapi permainan Game Boy muka menawarkan strategi begitu banyak ... dan semua yang Anda lakukan dalam paket dapat dipindahkan ke versi konsol dari game pertempuran Pokemon. The game might not be a visual or audio marvel, but it's got it where it counts: gameplay. Permainan tidak mungkin mengagumi visual atau audio, tapi punya di tempat yang penting: gameplay.
9) Metroid: Zero Mission 9) Metroid: Misi Nol
Developer: Nintendo R&D1 Pengembang: Nintendo R & D1
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 Metroid Fusion may have brought the franchise to the Game Boy Advance, but it was Metroid: Zero Mission that really validated its existence. Metroid Fusion mungkin telah membawa waralaba untuk Game Boy Advance, tapi itu Metroid: Misi Nol yang benar-benar divalidasi keberadaannya. The design, touted as a remake of the game that started it all -- Metroid on the NES -- was far more than that. Desain, disebut-sebut sebagai sebuah remake dari permainan yang memulai semuanya - Metroid pada SPN - jauh lebih dari itu. It was a visual upgrade with familiar areas, but the designers took liberties with where the game went. Ini adalah upgrade visual dengan daerah yang sudah dikenalnya, tetapi desainer mengambil kebebasan dengan mana permainan berjalan. And even when it ended, it didn't -- there was something else waiting for gamers that was fresh and new, bringing a different style of gameplay that fit the overall Metroid theme. Dan bahkan ketika itu berakhir, tidak - ada sesuatu yang lain menunggu untuk gamer yang segar dan baru, membawa gaya yang berbeda gameplay yang sesuai dengan tema keseluruhan Metroid. It was a wonderful surprise, and that element's actually being referenced to in an announced, upcoming Wii title. Ini adalah kejutan yang menyenangkan, dan elemen yang sebenarnya yang direferensikan dalam judul, mengumumkan Wii mendatang. No spoilers here, nope! Tidak spoiler di sini, nggak!
8) Final Fantasy VI 8) Final Fantasy VI
Developer: Square Pengembang: Persegi
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2007 Tahun Rilis: 2007 Of all the remakes of the Final Fantasy series on the Game Boy Advance, none stands taller on the system than the brilliant Super NES to GBA conversion of Final Fantasy III . Dari semua remake dari seri Final Fantasy pada Game Boy Advance, tidak berdiri lebih tinggi pada sistem daripada Super NES yang brilian untuk GBA konversi Final Fantasy III . The numbering structure has changed to mirror the Japanese releases, but Final Fantasy VI is a remake of the final Final Fantasy game released on the 16-bit system in the US more than a decade ago. Struktur penomoran telah berubah menjadi cermin rilis Jepang, tapi Final Fantasy VI merupakan remake dari game final Fantasy dirilis akhir pada sistem 16-bit di AS lebih dari satu dekade lalu. Awesome graphics, even better soundtrack, and the traditional Final Fantasy gameplay that can't be missed. Mengagumkan grafis, soundtrack bahkan lebih baik, dan gameplay Fantasy tradisional final yang tidak dapat terjawab. It's known as the best 2D game in the series by the fans, and the fans have spoken: the game is the best one on the GBA as well. Ini dikenal sebagai game 2D terbaik di seri oleh para fans, dan para fans telah berbicara: permainan ini adalah yang terbaik di GBA juga.
7) Super Mario Advance 3: Yoshi's Island 7) Super Mario Lanjut 3: Yoshi s Island
Developer: Nintendo Pengembang: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 We'll go to the grave believing that Yoshi's Island is close to, if not the best 2D platform game ever made. Kita akan pergi ke makam percaya bahwa Pulau Yoshi yang dekat dengan, jika bukan permainan 2D platform terbaik yang pernah dibuat. The original Super NES game introduced so many new gameplay elements that utilized the power of the FX chip to drive these ideas. Game super asli SPN memperkenalkan begitu banyak elemen gameplay yang baru yang memanfaatkan kekuatan dari chip FX untuk mendorong ide-ide ini. The Game Boy Advance had enough power under the hood to bring back these elements without the need for additional processing hardware, and for those that missed out on the original console release nearly a decade prior, the Game Boy Advance does a brilliant job bringing the award winning gameplay and level designs to the handheld. Game Boy Advance memiliki daya yang cukup di bawah tenda untuk membawa kembali elemen-elemen ini tanpa perlu perangkat keras pengolahan tambahan, dan bagi mereka yang ketinggalan pada rilis konsol asli hampir satu dekade sebelumnya, Game Boy Advance melakukan pekerjaan yang brilian membawa penghargaan menang gameplay dan desain tingkat untuk handheld. It's a shame that Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy had to be destroyed in the move to portable. Ini memalukan bahwa Sentuh Fuzzy Dapatkan Dizzy harus dihancurkan di pindah ke portabel. Otherwise, this is an incredible conversion that absolutely needs to be experienced on the GBA. Jika tidak, ini merupakan konversi yang luar biasa yang benar-benar perlu dialami pada GBA.
6) Mario Golf 6) Mario Golf
Developer: Camelot Pengembang: Camelot
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 On the Game Boy Advance, "pick up and play" style gameplay is king. Pada Game Boy Advance, "mengambil dan bermain" game gaya adalah raja. And nothing's more pick up and play than the sport of golf. Mario Golf Advance Tour is a portable follow-up to Camelot's incredible Game Boy Color golf game, which was a port of the Nintendo 64 console design. Dan tidak ada lebih mengambil dan bermain daripada olahraga golf. Mario Wisata Golf muka adalah portabel tindak lanjut dengan Game Boy yang luar biasa Camelot permainan golf Color, yang merupakan port dari desain konsol Nintendo 64. Almost mirroring that strategy, the GBA version took all of the elements of the GameCube game and shrunk them down for play on the portable. Hampir mirroring strategi itu, versi GBA mengambil semua elemen dari permainan GameCube dan menyusut mereka turun untuk bermain di portabel. There were tons of course designs with tons of cool little hidden tricks that just couldn't be done on the real-world courses. Ada ton tentu saja dengan desain ton keren trik tersembunyi kecil yang tidak dapat dilakukan pada dunia nyata program. Even with its 2D restrictions, Mario Golf Advance Tour ended up the finest take-anywhere game of golf then created. Bahkan dengan pembatasan 2D, Mario Golf Lanjut Wisata berakhir permainan mengambil-mana saja terbaik golf kemudian dibuat. And we're still waiting for a development team to best Camelot's design on the Nintendo DS. Dan kita masih menunggu tim pengembangan untuk desain terbaik Camelot di Nintendo DS.
5) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Developer: Vicarious Visions
Year Released: 2001
Back in 2001, Nintendo led us to believe that the in-development, soon-to-be-released Game Boy Advance system would be on-par with the Super NES for its gaming power. That's a pretty good place to be, since, for years, we've been playing Nintendo handhelds that were on the level of the NES system. We were certainly looking forward to playing lots of multi-layered side-scrolling platform games and racing titles using the system's Mode 7.
And then Vicarious Visions, best known for producing some great Spider-Man games for the Game Boy Color, stepped in with something absolutely breathtaking: a portable rendition of the brilliantly fun Neversoft Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Even though, due to system limitations, the game had to remain in a fixed overhead perspective, the Game Boy Advance version created by the VV team retained the look and feel of the skateboarding action game. It was an absolute stunner of a launch title for the handheld, and it's amazing to see how well it's held up over the years -- even after a half dozen sequels over the course of the GBA's life-span, it's still a thrill to see the series' portable origins.
4) Advance Wars
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2001 In Japan, Nintendo fans had a series they could call their own: Famicom Wars, a turn-based strategy game that never made the localization move to North America. Which is a darn shame because the design's US premiere, Advance Wars on the Game Boy Advance, was one unbelievably deep and fulfilling design that challenged console players in a unique way.
The game offered it all: tough-as-nails strategic gameplay, an extensive single player campaign with tons of memorable characters and situations, tons of user customization in the form of a map creator, and full-on four player multiplayer mode where only one copy of the game is required for the network.
Advance Wars had unfortunate timing on its release, shipping during the time of 9/11 in the US. The game was actually a US-exclusive release for quite some time, which was a surprise considering the game's origins as a Japan-only release on previous systems. The sequel added a few new gameplay elements that were followed up on a dual-screen version a couple year's later on the Nintendo DS, but the original game made the biggest splash on the GBA, by far.
3) Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with Four Swords
Developer: Square
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with Four Swords is, admittedly, a "mere" portable conversion of a Super NES game. But if any Super NES game deserved to be milked, it's A Link to the Past, easily one of the top, most memorable adventures in Link's career of saving Zelda. The GBA hardware handled the game admirably well, retaining the look, sound, and feel of the original Super NES game with very little compromise in the move to the handheld. The awesome classic remained a classic on the GBA.
What made this game truly awesome was the multiplayer mode, Four Swords. Multiplayer Zelda? Are you serious? How could that be any fun? Only said by people who couldn't find four GBAs, four copies of the game, and enough link cables to keep everyone connected. This mode was a brilliant combination of cooperative adventuring and competitive ass-kicking, an idea that was expanded on in the GameCube game Four Swords Adventure. Traces of the Four Swords idea continued in the original GBA Zelda game Minish Cap, and we're sure there will be many more instances of the Four Swords influence for many years to come.
2) Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Year Released: 2004 Konami backed the Game Boy Advance horse right from Day One when it produced Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on the handheld as a launch title. The GBA series started out with a bang, and by the time the third game hit the system with Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, it ended with a tremendous boom. Three games hit the system over the course of the GBA's life, and even though all three were amazing action adventures that offered something new with each iteration, Aria of Sorrow was the one we all remember the most. And it's not just because it was the final game on the GBA. All the new gameplay elements, all of the additional characters, all of the enhanced visuals, and all of the amazing soundtrack pieces combined to produce one of the best games in the Castlevania series...for any system.
1) Wario Ware Twisted
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2005 If there was that one game that we would force into anyone's Game Boy Advance library, of all of the hundreds upon hundreds of games released for the system, it would be, without a doubt, Wario Ware Twisted. Wario Ware: Mega Microgames might have started the whole "five second gameplay" genre that's been sequeled and cloned over the years, but Wario Ware Twisted took the concept in a completely amazing direction that just couldn't be missed.
A gyroscopic sensor housed inside the cartridge turned the GBA into a twistable controller, and game designers had all sorts of fun coming up with awesome little challenges using this concept. Dial a phone. Turn a world upside down. Even play a modified version of Super Mario Bros. We should have seen it as a sign of things to come: the technology in the cartridge is what we're now enjoying in the Wii Remote. And the Game Boy Advance got it two years prior.
Unfortunately, even though this game can't be missed, it was missed. By many people. The game sold modestly but never really reached that coveted "million seller" that so many Nintendo published games enjoy. Perhaps it was the daunting size of the thick box on the shelves. Or perhaps it was Wario's ugly mug on the cover. Whatever the reason, it's disappointing to find that, with the tens of millions of Game Boy Advance systems and additional millions of GBA-compatible Nintendo DS games out there, that only a small fraction of system owners played this one. Try to find a copy on clearance before you regret it and miss an opportunity to enjoy what we believe is the best game on the system.
IGN Weekly's Top Games of All Time You've seen all of our choices and read our Top 25 feature. Now what? How about a special episode of our show IGN Weekly? We've gathered all the editors together to reflect on what truly made these games great. So now you can savor this moment a littler longer. Just sit back, turn up the volume, and click play. We guarantee not only some of the industry's most respected nerds, but also pretty girls. How can you resist?
Developer: Flagship Pengembang: Flagship
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2005 Tahun Rilis: 2005 Every Nintendo system needs a Legend of Zelda game. Setiap sistem Nintendo membutuhkan Legenda permainan Zelda. It's almost the law or something. Ini hampir hukum atau sesuatu. It took the Game Boy Advance several years before a development team hunkered down to create an original adventure for the portable system, and the one that was created was an incredibly fun and charming adventure that brought back a lot of the familiar 2D overhead game mechanics established in past games on the Super NES, NES, and Game Boy. Butuh Game Boy Advance beberapa tahun sebelum tim pengembangan jongkok untuk menciptakan sebuah petualangan asli untuk sistem portabel, dan salah satu yang diciptakan adalah petualangan yang sangat menyenangkan dan menarik yang membawa kembali banyak dari mekanika game 2D akrab overhead yang didirikan di pertandingan terakhir di Super NES, SPN, dan Game Boy. The inclusion of the ability to shrink and grow was explored to some really good results, giving Link and players the ability to explore a world that would have normally gone unnoticed at the character's feet. Dimasukkannya kemampuan untuk mengecilkan dan tumbuh dieksplorasi beberapa hasil benar-benar baik, memberi Link dan pemain kemampuan untuk menjelajahi dunia yang akan biasanya pergi tanpa diketahui di kaki karakter. There's a huge world to explore when you're the size of a bug, and the designers pushed some great ideas in this adventure. Ada dunia yang besar untuk mengeksplorasi ketika Anda ukuran bug, dan desainer mendorong beberapa ide-ide besar dalam petualangan ini.
Developer: Intelligent Systems Pengembang: Sistem Cerdas
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2001 Tahun Rilis: 2001 Mario Kart Super Circuit was, literally, the premiere game for the Game Boy Advance. Mario Kart super Sirkuit itu, secara harfiah, permainan premier untuk Game Boy Advance. Though the game took several months after the launch of the system to be released, it was the game Nintendo spotlighted at the debut of the hardware. Meskipun permainan waktu beberapa bulan setelah peluncuran sistem akan dirilis, itu adalah game Nintendo menyoroti pada debut perangkat keras. It was the game that showed gamers that the Game Boy Advance had the ability to bring Super NES experiences to a portable, and in a way that blew away the visuals and audio of the 16-bit console. Itu adalah permainan yang menunjukkan gamer bahwa Game Boy Advance memiliki kemampuan untuk membawa super pengalaman SPN ke portabel, dan dengan cara yang meniup visual dan audio dari konsol 16-bit. The game mechanics of Mario Kart were tweaked for Super Circuit, but the heart of the Super NES game was clearly here. Mekanika game Mario Kart yang tweak untuk Circuit Super, tetapi jantung dari permainan Super NES jelas di sini. The designers even exploited the GBA's single cartridge multiplayer function so that four players could hit some classic SNES courses without the need to buy a copy of the game. Para desainer bahkan mengeksploitasi cartridge tunggal yang GBA itu fungsi multiplayer sehingga empat pemain bisa memukul beberapa SNES program klasik tanpa perlu membeli salinan permainan. And after the competition? Dan setelah kompetisi? They went out and bought a copy anyway. Mereka pergi keluar dan membeli salinan pula. Awesome work. Mengagumkan bekerja.
Developer: Intelligent System Pengembang: Sistem Cerdas
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 By the time of Metroid Fusion's development, the franchise had already been snagged by the GameCube as the ultimate first-person adventure. Pada waktu pengembangan Fusion Metroid ini, waralaba telah tersangkut oleh GameCube sebagai orang pertama petualangan utama. But for those who really wanted to go back to the roots of the series, and that's the void Metroid Fusion fills -- the game is a throwback to the gameplay mechanics of the classic Metroid, Super Metroid, and Metroid II, but it moves the story forward and gives Samus a sleek new look. Tetapi bagi mereka yang benar-benar ingin kembali ke akar dari seri, dan itu kekosongan Metroid Fusion mengisi - permainan ini adalah sebuah kemunduran untuk mekanisme gameplay dari Metroid klasik, II Metroid, dan Metroid Super, tetapi bergerak cerita ke depan dan memberikan Samus tampilan baru yang ramping. It was an incredibly fun adventure with the traditional "Metroid Twist." Ini adalah petualangan yang sangat menyenangkan dengan tradisional "Twist Metroid."
Developer: Nintendo Pengembang: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 Super Mario World was easily one of the top games in the Super Mario platforming series as it introduced new game mechanics to the mix, including branching paths, multiple exits, multiple endings, and, most importantly, Yoshi! Super Mario World adalah mudah salah satu permainan top di seri Super Mario Platforming karena memperkenalkan mekanika game baru untuk campuran, termasuk jalan bercabang, keluar beberapa, beberapa akhir, dan yang paling penting, Yoshi! Like the other Super Mario Advance games on the handheld, the original game didn't lose a whole lot in the shrinking from console to portable ten years later, which meant that you could get the same brilliant platform experience on the go. Seperti Mario game lain muka super di genggam, game asli tidak kehilangan seluruh banyak dalam menyusut dari konsol untuk portabel sepuluh tahun kemudian, yang berarti bahwa Anda bisa mendapatkan pengalaman platform yang sama brilian di perjalanan.
Developer: Intelligent Systems Pengembang: Sistem Cerdas
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 Nintendo teased gamers with a couple of super secret hidden character in Super Smash Bros. Melee, Marth from a game that was in Japan exclusively: Fire Emblem . Nintendo menggoda gamer dengan beberapa karakter tersembunyi Super rahasia di Super Smash Bros Melee, Marth dari permainan yang di Jepang secara eksklusif: Lambang Api . Before then, most American gamers didn't have a clue to what the game was, and what they were missing out on. Sebelum itu, sebagian besar gamer Amerika tidak memiliki petunjuk apa permainan itu, dan apa yang mereka kehilangan. It was Fire Emblem on the Game Boy Advance where Nintendo used the opportunity to bring this unique RPG-focused strategy game to the states. Itu Emblem Kebakaran di Game Boy Advance Nintendo digunakan di mana kesempatan untuk membawa game RPG ini berfokus pada strategi yang unik untuk negara. And thank god they did -- this is easily one of the top games in the GBA library -- though much of the gameplay mechanics had been recycled in the more familiar (and available) Advance Wars game, the addition of characters who will die -- permanently -- really changed up the way players had to adjust their techniques. Dan terima kasih tuhan mereka - ini adalah mudah salah satu permainan top di perpustakaan GBA - meskipun banyak dari mekanika game telah didaur ulang dalam (dan tersedia) lebih akrab Lanjut Wars permainan, penambahan karakter yang akan mati - - permanen - benar-benar berubah sampai cara pemain harus menyesuaikan teknik-teknik mereka.
15) Mario Tenis
Developer: Camelot Pengembang: Camelot
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2005 Tahun Rilis: 2005
Camelot already proved itself in the realm of tennis and golf on the original Game Boy Color, so when the team announced that it would be creating a follow-up to the game on the Game Boy Advance, we weren't surprised that the sequel ended up as awesome as it did. Camelot sudah membuktikan diri di bidang tenis dan golf di Game Boy Color yang asli, sehingga ketika tim mengumumkan bahwa mereka akan membuat tindak lanjut ke permainan di Game Boy Advance, kami tidak terkejut bahwa sekuel berakhir sebagai awesome itu. The game featured a much more fleshed out single player experience and also brought forth more Mario characters and moves for this update. Permainan menampilkan pengalaman keluar pemain yang jauh lebih fleshed tunggal dan juga melahirkan lebih karakter Mario dan bergerak untuk update ini. The power moves we're a cool addition, but luckily they didn't need to be in play at all times if you just wanted to hit the courts to play a much more traditional version of the sport. Listrik bergerak kita tambahan keren, tapi untungnya mereka tidak perlu bermain setiap saat jika Anda hanya ingin memukul pengadilan untuk memainkan versi yang jauh lebih tradisional dari olahraga.
Developer: Square Pengembang: Persegi
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 At this point in the Game Boy Advance's life cycle, Square Enix wasn't quite ready to bet the farm on the Nintendo handheld. Pada titik ini dalam siklus hidup Game Boy Advance ini, Square Enix tidak cukup siap untuk bertaruh pertanian di genggam Nintendo. The studio was carefully testing the waters, and one of its early games, Final Fantasy Tactics Advance , brought back a really excellent PlayStation game's theme in a new and original storyline. Studio hati-hati menguji air, dan salah satu game awal, Fantasy Tactics Akhir Muka , membawa kembali tema permainan PlayStation benar-benar sangat baik dalam alur cerita yang baru dan asli. This GBA game offered some great strategy, some excellent characters, and really challenging gameplay in a take-anywhere form. GBA game ini menawarkan beberapa strategi yang hebat, beberapa karakter yang sangat baik, dan gameplay yang benar-benar menantang dalam bentuk mengambil-mana saja.
Developer: Cosmigo Pengembang: Cosmigo
Publisher: Telegames Penerbit: Telegames
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 When you have a Game Boy Advance on you, you want to have a cartridge that has a tremendous amount of replay value, and one with pick-up-and-play appeal. Bila Anda memiliki Game Boy Advance pada Anda, Anda ingin memiliki cartridge yang memiliki sejumlah besar nilai replay, dan satu dengan pick-up-and-play banding. Telegames managed to create one of the few "must have" third party games in the GBA line-up with a collection of card games that are near impossible to put down. Telegames berhasil menciptakan salah satu dari beberapa "harus memiliki" permainan pihak ketiga dalam GBA line-up dengan koleksi permainan kartu yang hampir mustahil untuk meletakkan. Solitaire, Cribbage, Poker, Black Jack and a good number more are available in this cartridge, and what's more, any multiplayer game can be sent to other systems without the need for an additional cart. Solitaire, Cribbage, Poker, Black Jack dan sejumlah yang baik lebih banyak tersedia dalam cartridge ini, dan apa lagi, setiap permainan multiplayer dapat dikirim ke sistem lain tanpa perlu sebuah kereta tambahan. On top of all this, the game has fantastic statistics tracking and a pretty awesome soundtrack to accompany the gameplay. Di atas semua ini, permainan memiliki pelacakan fantastis statistik dan soundtrack yang cukup mengagumkan untuk menemani gameplay. If you haven't picked this one up, why the heck not? Jika Anda belum mengambil satu ini sampai, mengapa sih tidak?
Developer: Alphadream Pengembang: Alphadream
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 The Super NES had Super Mario RPG. Super NES Super Mario RPG itu. The Nintendo 64 and GameCube had Paper Mario. Nintendo 64 dan GameCube telah Paper Mario. And the Game Boy Advance? Dan Game Boy Advance? This is the portable equivalent. Ini adalah setara portabel. Both Mario and Luigi work together in this unique action RPG game that borrows heavily from the Super Paper Mario design. Kedua Mario dan Luigi bekerja sama dalam aksi permainan yang unik RPG yang meminjam banyak dari desain Kertas Super Mario. The way players manipulate both plumbers together gives the game a very unique feel, especially when you have to do very traditional Mario Bros. mechanics using both GBA buttons to do the jumping. Cara pemain memanipulasi baik tukang pipa bersama-sama memberikan permainan merasa sangat unik, terutama ketika Anda harus melakukan sangat tradisional Mario Bros mekanik menggunakan kedua tombol GBA untuk melakukan melompat. The battles feature some real-time elements that add an extra element of player involvement to spice up the gameplay. Pertempuran beberapa fitur real-time elemen yang menambahkan unsur tambahan keterlibatan pemain untuk membumbui gameplay. And the adventure's also funny as hell. Dan petualangan juga lucu sekali. A can't miss, gang. Tidak bisa ketinggalan, geng.
Developer: Nintendo Pengembang: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003 Even though this Super Mario game came before the time of Yoshi and other cool elements that were introduced in Super Mario World , this was one of the top games in the series. Meskipun game ini Super Mario datang sebelum waktu Yoshi dan elemen menarik lainnya yang diperkenalkan di Super Mario World , ini adalah salah satu permainan top di seri. I mean, you could dress Mario up like a raccoon! Maksudku, kau bisa berpakaian Mario up seperti rakun! Seriously, this game featured some of the most tough-as-nails level designs in the series. Serius, game ini menampilkan beberapa yang paling tangguh-sebagai-paku desain tingkat dalam seri. And if they weren't enough, you could go out and buy a second Game Boy Advance, an e-Reader, a link cable, and a pack of cards to upload some brand new level designs that weren't built into the original cartridge. Dan jika mereka tidak cukup, Anda bisa pergi keluar dan membeli Boy Advance game kedua, e-Reader, kabel link, dan satu pak kartu untuk meng-upload beberapa desain tingkat merek baru yang tidak dibangun ke dalam cartridge original . It was a concept ahead of its time -- hopefully the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection and the Nintendo DS can bring back the idea of post-release level updates. Ini adalah konsep dari waktu ke depan - mudah-mudahan Connection Nintendo Wi-Fi dan DS Nintendo bisa membawa kembali gagasan pasca-rilis update tingkat. But for now, you've got Super Mario Bros. 3 . Tetapi untuk sekarang, Anda punya Super Mario Bros 3 .
10) Pokemon Ruby / Sapphire
Developer: Game Freaks Pengembang: Freaks Permainan
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 Tahun Rilis: 2003
We couldn't do a top game list without Pokemon being in there somewhere, and the first official update to the incredibly deep Pokemon RPG franchise -- Ruby and Sapphire -- squeak in there with a place in the Top 10. Kami tidak bisa melakukan daftar permainan Pokemon atas tanpa berada di sana, dan update resmi pertama untuk franchise Pokemon RPG sangat mendalam - Ruby dan Sapphire - mencicit di sana dengan tempat di Top 10. And rightfully so, too. Dan memang seharusnya begitu. Yes, the game's clearly aimed at the younger crowd, and yes, it's really cool to hate on the hundreds of cute little critters and the millions upon millions of gamers who've enjoyed the design since the late 90s. Ya, permainan jelas ditujukan pada orang yang lebih muda, dan ya, itu benar-benar keren untuk membenci pada ratusan makhluk kecil yang lucu dan jutaan pada jutaan gamer yang pernah menikmati desain sejak akhir tahun 90an. But the Game Boy Advance game offers so much strategy...and everything you do in the package can be moved over to the console versions of the Pokemon battle games. Tapi permainan Game Boy muka menawarkan strategi begitu banyak ... dan semua yang Anda lakukan dalam paket dapat dipindahkan ke versi konsol dari game pertempuran Pokemon. The game might not be a visual or audio marvel, but it's got it where it counts: gameplay. Permainan tidak mungkin mengagumi visual atau audio, tapi punya di tempat yang penting: gameplay.
Developer: Nintendo R&D1 Pengembang: Nintendo R & D1
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 Metroid Fusion may have brought the franchise to the Game Boy Advance, but it was Metroid: Zero Mission that really validated its existence. Metroid Fusion mungkin telah membawa waralaba untuk Game Boy Advance, tapi itu Metroid: Misi Nol yang benar-benar divalidasi keberadaannya. The design, touted as a remake of the game that started it all -- Metroid on the NES -- was far more than that. Desain, disebut-sebut sebagai sebuah remake dari permainan yang memulai semuanya - Metroid pada SPN - jauh lebih dari itu. It was a visual upgrade with familiar areas, but the designers took liberties with where the game went. Ini adalah upgrade visual dengan daerah yang sudah dikenalnya, tetapi desainer mengambil kebebasan dengan mana permainan berjalan. And even when it ended, it didn't -- there was something else waiting for gamers that was fresh and new, bringing a different style of gameplay that fit the overall Metroid theme. Dan bahkan ketika itu berakhir, tidak - ada sesuatu yang lain menunggu untuk gamer yang segar dan baru, membawa gaya yang berbeda gameplay yang sesuai dengan tema keseluruhan Metroid. It was a wonderful surprise, and that element's actually being referenced to in an announced, upcoming Wii title. Ini adalah kejutan yang menyenangkan, dan elemen yang sebenarnya yang direferensikan dalam judul, mengumumkan Wii mendatang. No spoilers here, nope! Tidak spoiler di sini, nggak!
Developer: Square Pengembang: Persegi
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2007 Tahun Rilis: 2007 Of all the remakes of the Final Fantasy series on the Game Boy Advance, none stands taller on the system than the brilliant Super NES to GBA conversion of Final Fantasy III . Dari semua remake dari seri Final Fantasy pada Game Boy Advance, tidak berdiri lebih tinggi pada sistem daripada Super NES yang brilian untuk GBA konversi Final Fantasy III . The numbering structure has changed to mirror the Japanese releases, but Final Fantasy VI is a remake of the final Final Fantasy game released on the 16-bit system in the US more than a decade ago. Struktur penomoran telah berubah menjadi cermin rilis Jepang, tapi Final Fantasy VI merupakan remake dari game final Fantasy dirilis akhir pada sistem 16-bit di AS lebih dari satu dekade lalu. Awesome graphics, even better soundtrack, and the traditional Final Fantasy gameplay that can't be missed. Mengagumkan grafis, soundtrack bahkan lebih baik, dan gameplay Fantasy tradisional final yang tidak dapat terjawab. It's known as the best 2D game in the series by the fans, and the fans have spoken: the game is the best one on the GBA as well. Ini dikenal sebagai game 2D terbaik di seri oleh para fans, dan para fans telah berbicara: permainan ini adalah yang terbaik di GBA juga.
Developer: Nintendo Pengembang: Nintendo
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2002 Tahun Rilis: 2002 We'll go to the grave believing that Yoshi's Island is close to, if not the best 2D platform game ever made. Kita akan pergi ke makam percaya bahwa Pulau Yoshi yang dekat dengan, jika bukan permainan 2D platform terbaik yang pernah dibuat. The original Super NES game introduced so many new gameplay elements that utilized the power of the FX chip to drive these ideas. Game super asli SPN memperkenalkan begitu banyak elemen gameplay yang baru yang memanfaatkan kekuatan dari chip FX untuk mendorong ide-ide ini. The Game Boy Advance had enough power under the hood to bring back these elements without the need for additional processing hardware, and for those that missed out on the original console release nearly a decade prior, the Game Boy Advance does a brilliant job bringing the award winning gameplay and level designs to the handheld. Game Boy Advance memiliki daya yang cukup di bawah tenda untuk membawa kembali elemen-elemen ini tanpa perlu perangkat keras pengolahan tambahan, dan bagi mereka yang ketinggalan pada rilis konsol asli hampir satu dekade sebelumnya, Game Boy Advance melakukan pekerjaan yang brilian membawa penghargaan menang gameplay dan desain tingkat untuk handheld. It's a shame that Touch Fuzzy Get Dizzy had to be destroyed in the move to portable. Ini memalukan bahwa Sentuh Fuzzy Dapatkan Dizzy harus dihancurkan di pindah ke portabel. Otherwise, this is an incredible conversion that absolutely needs to be experienced on the GBA. Jika tidak, ini merupakan konversi yang luar biasa yang benar-benar perlu dialami pada GBA.
Developer: Camelot Pengembang: Camelot
Publisher: Nintendo Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2004 Tahun Rilis: 2004 On the Game Boy Advance, "pick up and play" style gameplay is king. Pada Game Boy Advance, "mengambil dan bermain" game gaya adalah raja. And nothing's more pick up and play than the sport of golf. Mario Golf Advance Tour is a portable follow-up to Camelot's incredible Game Boy Color golf game, which was a port of the Nintendo 64 console design. Dan tidak ada lebih mengambil dan bermain daripada olahraga golf. Mario Wisata Golf muka adalah portabel tindak lanjut dengan Game Boy yang luar biasa Camelot permainan golf Color, yang merupakan port dari desain konsol Nintendo 64. Almost mirroring that strategy, the GBA version took all of the elements of the GameCube game and shrunk them down for play on the portable. Hampir mirroring strategi itu, versi GBA mengambil semua elemen dari permainan GameCube dan menyusut mereka turun untuk bermain di portabel. There were tons of course designs with tons of cool little hidden tricks that just couldn't be done on the real-world courses. Ada ton tentu saja dengan desain ton keren trik tersembunyi kecil yang tidak dapat dilakukan pada dunia nyata program. Even with its 2D restrictions, Mario Golf Advance Tour ended up the finest take-anywhere game of golf then created. Bahkan dengan pembatasan 2D, Mario Golf Lanjut Wisata berakhir permainan mengambil-mana saja terbaik golf kemudian dibuat. And we're still waiting for a development team to best Camelot's design on the Nintendo DS. Dan kita masih menunggu tim pengembangan untuk desain terbaik Camelot di Nintendo DS.
5) Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2
Developer: Vicarious Visions
Year Released: 2001
Back in 2001, Nintendo led us to believe that the in-development, soon-to-be-released Game Boy Advance system would be on-par with the Super NES for its gaming power. That's a pretty good place to be, since, for years, we've been playing Nintendo handhelds that were on the level of the NES system. We were certainly looking forward to playing lots of multi-layered side-scrolling platform games and racing titles using the system's Mode 7.
And then Vicarious Visions, best known for producing some great Spider-Man games for the Game Boy Color, stepped in with something absolutely breathtaking: a portable rendition of the brilliantly fun Neversoft Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 2. Even though, due to system limitations, the game had to remain in a fixed overhead perspective, the Game Boy Advance version created by the VV team retained the look and feel of the skateboarding action game. It was an absolute stunner of a launch title for the handheld, and it's amazing to see how well it's held up over the years -- even after a half dozen sequels over the course of the GBA's life-span, it's still a thrill to see the series' portable origins.
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2001 In Japan, Nintendo fans had a series they could call their own: Famicom Wars, a turn-based strategy game that never made the localization move to North America. Which is a darn shame because the design's US premiere, Advance Wars on the Game Boy Advance, was one unbelievably deep and fulfilling design that challenged console players in a unique way.
The game offered it all: tough-as-nails strategic gameplay, an extensive single player campaign with tons of memorable characters and situations, tons of user customization in the form of a map creator, and full-on four player multiplayer mode where only one copy of the game is required for the network.
Advance Wars had unfortunate timing on its release, shipping during the time of 9/11 in the US. The game was actually a US-exclusive release for quite some time, which was a surprise considering the game's origins as a Japan-only release on previous systems. The sequel added a few new gameplay elements that were followed up on a dual-screen version a couple year's later on the Nintendo DS, but the original game made the biggest splash on the GBA, by far.
Developer: Square
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2003 The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past with Four Swords is, admittedly, a "mere" portable conversion of a Super NES game. But if any Super NES game deserved to be milked, it's A Link to the Past, easily one of the top, most memorable adventures in Link's career of saving Zelda. The GBA hardware handled the game admirably well, retaining the look, sound, and feel of the original Super NES game with very little compromise in the move to the handheld. The awesome classic remained a classic on the GBA.
What made this game truly awesome was the multiplayer mode, Four Swords. Multiplayer Zelda? Are you serious? How could that be any fun? Only said by people who couldn't find four GBAs, four copies of the game, and enough link cables to keep everyone connected. This mode was a brilliant combination of cooperative adventuring and competitive ass-kicking, an idea that was expanded on in the GameCube game Four Swords Adventure. Traces of the Four Swords idea continued in the original GBA Zelda game Minish Cap, and we're sure there will be many more instances of the Four Swords influence for many years to come.
Developer: Konami
Publisher: Konami
Year Released: 2004 Konami backed the Game Boy Advance horse right from Day One when it produced Castlevania: Circle of the Moon on the handheld as a launch title. The GBA series started out with a bang, and by the time the third game hit the system with Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, it ended with a tremendous boom. Three games hit the system over the course of the GBA's life, and even though all three were amazing action adventures that offered something new with each iteration, Aria of Sorrow was the one we all remember the most. And it's not just because it was the final game on the GBA. All the new gameplay elements, all of the additional characters, all of the enhanced visuals, and all of the amazing soundtrack pieces combined to produce one of the best games in the Castlevania series...for any system.
Developer: Intelligent Systems
Publisher: Nintendo
Year Released: 2005 If there was that one game that we would force into anyone's Game Boy Advance library, of all of the hundreds upon hundreds of games released for the system, it would be, without a doubt, Wario Ware Twisted. Wario Ware: Mega Microgames might have started the whole "five second gameplay" genre that's been sequeled and cloned over the years, but Wario Ware Twisted took the concept in a completely amazing direction that just couldn't be missed.
A gyroscopic sensor housed inside the cartridge turned the GBA into a twistable controller, and game designers had all sorts of fun coming up with awesome little challenges using this concept. Dial a phone. Turn a world upside down. Even play a modified version of Super Mario Bros. We should have seen it as a sign of things to come: the technology in the cartridge is what we're now enjoying in the Wii Remote. And the Game Boy Advance got it two years prior.
Unfortunately, even though this game can't be missed, it was missed. By many people. The game sold modestly but never really reached that coveted "million seller" that so many Nintendo published games enjoy. Perhaps it was the daunting size of the thick box on the shelves. Or perhaps it was Wario's ugly mug on the cover. Whatever the reason, it's disappointing to find that, with the tens of millions of Game Boy Advance systems and additional millions of GBA-compatible Nintendo DS games out there, that only a small fraction of system owners played this one. Try to find a copy on clearance before you regret it and miss an opportunity to enjoy what we believe is the best game on the system.
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