
How Triple­_fetch Works?

Triple­_fetch exploit is developed by hacker Lan Beer. This exploit works for iOS 10.3.2 firmware and is based on the CVE-2017-7047 security vulnerability. This tutorial aims to explain how it works.

Send a malicious message to a service.It revolves around sending messages to a service. This is called the w00t message. The message then corrupts that service. The app runs in a box. But it can talk to other people (services). It sends the w00t message and now is talking through a hole to that service, but the service now does anything it wants. The hacker now launching unsigned code or an lldb debugging server to access other processes.

At present, we don’t get any news that someone with the relevant skillset is working on triple_fetch toolkit into a workable jailbreak for iOS10.3.2. As we said before, it is an important development for jailbreak, but it is not enough for a jailbreak.

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