
Happy Things


Esok dah Jumaat. Hoyeah! Hujung minggu! 

Dah pukul 11 malam dah, tapi sebab dah teguk 2 cawan kopi petang tadi, mata pun jadi segar bugar. Padahal penat ni. Haha. It was a really tiring week. Emotionally draining but at the same time it gave you a special power boost. Thinking back about it, makes me smile.

Baru balik dari 4 hari outstation, unlike outstation sebelum ini, I'm no longer attached to my boss, now I'm a lone ranger, independently working and coordinating the whole process. Phew!! Memang takut juga mula-mula bila dah kena kerja seorang diri, tapi bila dah laluinya, rasa macam gaining something precious, experience yang tak ternilai. Well, walaupun ada ups and downs, happy dan sedih, tapi itulah kehidupan kan. It's a mixture of every emotions. That's the spices of life. 

The first day was kinda excited mixed with worries. Tons of worries. Takut juga kalau tak dapat nak adapt dan coordinate the whole process, but I'm lucky to have a team of surveyors yang jaga aku macam mak dengan abah. I feel safe, like I'm at my own home and of course I learn a lot by participating in their discussion.

The second day was a bit of disaster. I got really stressed out and feeling very down. Heh. Aku senang dipengaruhi dengan kata-kata orang, jadi in the end, aku sendiri down bila kata-kata orang berunsur negatif dan destruktif. Well, I must learn to not be easily manipulated by words and situation. I know it will takes time, tapi aku kena cuba. Kalau tak, sampai bila-bila semangat aku mudah dijatuhkan orang. So, I need to learn to be strong, to be firm. 

But, overall, the positivity that I received override the negativity that I felt during the first day. I feel happy for my first independent "work". Jumpa ramai orang, kenal ramai orang, belajar banyak benda dari macam-macam orang. Definitely worth it. One more best thing that I encountered adalah waktu duduk di hotel. I met with a cheerful, friendly kakak coffee house dekat Swez Brasserie, Eastin Hotel. Nama kakak baik hati tu Zamzurina tak silap aku. Seronok rasa dapat kenal dengan akak ni, she took care of me during my stay there. Rasa macam seronok ada kakak. Haha. Was thinking of getting her number before I left, tapi terlupa pula. Haih. 

Semoga kita jumpa lagi ya kak Zamzurina. Terima kasih sebab jaga saya. Akak memang terbaik!! Haha.

Okaylah, masa untuk tidur. Jaga diri semua. Tata titi tutu. Assalamualaikum.

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