
How to Restore Jailbroken iPhone7/7 Plus to Non-jailbroken State?

Before we start, you must back up your iDevice’s personal data. Follow the steps below, or you may fail to restore it.

Method one:

Keep Cydia to restore your iPhone to non-jailbreak status, that means restore your iPhone to the original jailbroken state. This method won’t delete your data (including photos,contacts apps and etc.). But it will delete the jailbreak tweaks and the useless files you’ve installed on your iPhone, it was called SemiRestore by the developer. Follow the steps below:

1. Install Filza and MTerminal in Cydia.

2. Open this link https://coolstar.org/SemiRestore10-Lite in Safari.

3. When SemiRestore10-Lite file package is downloaded, open it with Filza.

4. Run MTerminal and enter su alpine (and the psaaword of your iPhone).

5. Continue to enter cd Documents -> chmod + x Semirestore10-Lite ->./SemiRestore10-Lite.

6. And then MTerminal will clean your iPhone’s system automatically. When it’s done, Cydia and non-app tweaks will be left on your iPhone.

Method two:

You can restore your iPhone completely. It is similar to Cydia eraser to some extent. But all data of your iPhone will be deleted if you use this method to restore your iPhone, here are the detailed steps:

1.Backup your iPhone’s data (important).

2. Add this source coolstar.org/publicrepo to Cydia.

3. Continue to add this source repo.jailbreakhub.org to Cydia.

4. Install jailbreak tweak Stashing for iOS 9.2-10.2 on your iPhone.

5. When installed, restart your iPhone, and click mach_portal to enter the jailbroken state.

6. Install OSRestoreX. And then the tweak will start to remove all jailbroken data on your iPhone. When it’s done, Cydia will crash, remember don’t to turn your iPhone off. If Cydia crashes, that means the jailbroken data has been successfully removed.

7.Open Settings app -> click General -> Reset -> Erase All Content and Settings.

8.When it is finished, you iPhone will come to the activation page. Till now, iPhone has been restored to the non-jailbroken state.

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