
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Full Version FREE


codmw3Pada kesempatan ini, kami ingin membagikan kembali sebuah game bergenre shooter yang sempat dirilis pada tahun 2011. Wah, cukup lama juga ya. Eits, namun umur game tidaklah menjamin kualitas game tersebut. Walaupun sudah 4 tahun silam, game ini tetap banyak dimainkan serta memiliki grafik yang cukup menakjubkan dan tentunya dibarengi dengan gameplay yang seru sambil melawan para musuh dalam medan perang.
Dalam game Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 3 Full Version ini, kita akan memerankan berbagai tokoh, tetapi pada intinya kita akan bermain layaknya seorang tentara yang harus menjalankan misi menembaki para musuh-musuhnya hingga tuntas dalam peperangan yang diakibatkan oleh kejahatan “Makarov”. Game ini cukup layak dinobatkan sebagai best game karena kualitasnya yang sangat bagus bahkan hampir mengimbangi game sebelah layaknya Battlefield dan Homefront.
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (stylized as CALL OF DUTY: MW3, and also known as COD: MW3Modern Warfare 3, or simply MW3) is the eighth main Call of Dutygame, and the fifth developed by Infinity Ward. It's the sequel to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2.
Activision confirmed the title was in pre-production on April 9, 2010[1] and was released on November 8, 2011.[2]Sledgehammer Games, originally planning to work on the canceled action-adventure Call of Duty, worked with Infinity Ward to complete all aspects of Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Raven Software assisted with the user interface and downloadable content, as they have with previous Call of Duty games. The downloadable content was released once a month over a period of nine months. It was free to users of Call of Duty ELITE if they had the Premium version of the service.[3] Sledgehammer was aiming for a bug-freeCall of Duty title and ratings above 95%.[4]
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 uses an upgraded IW 4.0 engine, dubbed the "MW3 engine" instead of "IW 5.0" out of courtesy for Sledgehammer Games.[5]
When a massive amount of leaked information was revealed by gaming news site Kotaku on May 13, 2011, Robert Bowling responded in a tweet stating: "A lot of hype & a lot of leaked info on #MW3, some still accurate, some not. To avoid spoiling the experience, I'd wait for the real reveal."[6]Later that day, four teaser trailers for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 were released on Call of Duty's official YouTube channel. Each one revealed a different location: New York, London, Paris, and Berlin.
The full reveal trailer was released on May 23, 2011. The trailer was leaked almost two hours before the scheduled air time, prompting Activision to officially release the reveal trailer earlier than planned. The reveal featured sequences from combat in all four of the previously confirmed locations.
The single player trailer, Redemption, was released on October 7, 2011, revealing bits of the story of the campaign, including the return of Captain Price as he continues his hunt for Makarov.
The Launch Trailer was released on the 21st, labeling "the next chapter in the worldwide phenomenon" as "the most anticipated game in history."


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Minimum System Requirements : 
  • OS: Windows XP / Windows Vista / Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel® Core 2 Duo E6600 or AMD Phenom X38750 processor or better
  • 16 GB free hard drive space
  • Memory: 2GB RAM
  • Video Card: Shader 3.0 or better 256 MB NVIDIA GeForce 8600GT or better
  • Sound Card: DirectX® 9.0C or later

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