
How to Get Exotic Shotgun "The Chaperone" in Destiny: The Taken King (Guide)

In this page, you will learn how to obtain the exotic shotgun, "The Chaperone" in Destiny: The Taken King.

Check out below the step-by-step video guide in obtaining the Chaperone:

If you miss something or did not understand a certain part in the video, then you can check out the text guide below on how to get "The Chaperone".

Step 1: You cut a hole in a box...

All jokes aside, I wanted to write a quick and easy guide to getting The Chaperone, an amazing exotic Shotgun and put aside some rumors and misconceptions about some of the quest objectives. So here it goes:

Step 1: Getting the "Jolly Holiday" Quest. -You need to have a Crucible Rank of 3, and you need to complete the main story of TTK, meaning kill Oryx (not the raid, just the story)

Step 2: Kills in the Crucible with the Last Word equipped. -This one is tricky and takes some time, but by no means do you need to be proficient at crucible to complete this quest. -If you have the last word equipped, and get a kill with your last word or a super, grenade, or melee you will score points. If you die with the last word equipped you will lose points. -If you do not have the last word equipped, you will neither gain or lose points (basically placing the quest on hold) -You get extra points for multi kills, and you get a couple points for having the last word equipped the moment your team win's your crucible match (no points for a loss). Follow this strategy: (1) Get rid of all your primary weapons except for the last word and one other weapon by placing them in the vault. This will make it to where you can switch primary weapons in the heat of combat faster. (2) Use gear that will give you the highest intellect. And use weapons that charge your super better like Bad Juju along with your last word. (3) Start a match without the last word equipped, play normal and carefree until you have your super. (4) Once you have your super, quickly go into the menu, change to your last word, and try to find a group of enemies to get multi kills on. (5) As soon as your super runs out run away and find a place to hide, de-equip the last word and don't die before you de-equip the last word. Following this method will ensure that you are always gaining points and never losing them. Also make sure to equip your last word before your team wins the match at the end to net you some more points.

Step 3: Bribe Tex Machina -Basically pay them 15,000 glimmer through the crypt-arch. You will have to figure this out on your own whatever method you prefer, or if you already have the cash this will be a quick step for you.

Step 4: Get kills in the Crucible or on yellow bar enemies with a shotgun. -I did the crucible method, and it only took one match for me to complete this part and I am not a very good crucible player. I used Universal remote and set my agility to max so I could out maneuver my enemies. UR is usually a one shot kill for me, sometimes two but you can use whatever shotgun you want. -I recommend a 3v3 closed quarters map, as these are the best to surprise enemies. You should only need about 20 kills with a shotgun to complete this.

Step 5 (the hardest part): Kill the Shield Brothers with a Shotgun -You must play on the 290 Light version of this Strike to count. -Many people are getting confused on this part: The last hit on each of the shield brothers must be with a shotgun. Meaning you can use whatever weapon you want the entire time you fight them, but make sure to all equip shotguns when their health are below 10% as you don't want to accidentally kill them with another weapon. -Anyone on your fire team can land the killing blow, and you will all get credit for the quest. -You can kill one boss and accidentally die, because the bosses are counted separately. Meaning if you die after you kill one brother and have to wipe, you will start with credit for that boss already. Meaning when you get to the part where both bosses come out together at the end, you only need to focus on the other boss that you didn't kill the first time.

A few strategy tips: Make sure you have a few void weapons, as there are many Psions whose shields are immune to damage at the Tank Part and at the Shield Brothers until you drain their shields. When you get to the shield brothers, keep running around in a big circle when the adds come out, jumping once (not double jumping) the whole time you are running. This will prevent splash damage and make it harder for the enemy to shoot you. We had two revive warlocks, both with Light Beyond Nemesis so our revives were faster, and one hunter who went invis to revive as well (WE DIED ALOT).

Step 5: Turn in the quest and wait until weekly reset. -Yes, this is the most annoying part, you earned that weapon guardian! Good things come to those who wait.

Your reward: The Chaperone

This is an amazing weapon. It is solar, so it will be awesome on the those missions where you have both Specialized and Solar Burn. The range is less than Universal Remote, and the damage on precision seems better. Once you unlock its perk, Survivor, you will be able to shoot 6 rounds in a row if you make all precision shots after it refills the mag. Also, the Roadborn perk seems to trigger if you are using your primary weapon as long as you have Chaperone equipped. Meaning, you can get precision kills with your primary long range, then switch to your chaperone at a moments notice if you are getting flanked and already have your Roadborn perk activated.


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