
Clash of Clans Best Farming Strategy at Master League Guide

Credits: Ash's Ultimate Master League Farming Guide by Eternal625

The Master League is an excellent place for farming all resources, especially Dark Elixir. In this guide I will teach you the most effective and efficient way to farm Dark Elixir in the Master League.

Should I farm at Masters?

Although anyone can farm in the Master League as you can just search for Town Halls on the outsides of bases and snipe them for the loot bonus, it isn’t the best for everyone. What I mean by that is, it may not be the best place for you to farm depending on your circumstances. Because farming in the Master League is a lot more tougher than farming at lower leagues. While you’ll be able to farm just as much Gold and Elixir in the lower leagues and may even find more dead bases. However, what makes the Master League better and more intriguing is the fact that you’re given a large quantity of loot bonus compared to the lower leagues. For example, the Loot Bonus at Master 3 is 100,000 Gold and 100,000 Elixir along with 500 Dark Elixir. While if you were to farm at Crystal 3 for instance, then you would make 30,000 Gold and Elixir each and only 100 Dark Elixir in bonus.

Video Explanation of Guide:

The main reason to farm in the Master League is for the Loot Bonus. However, to get that juicy bonus you must win by either taking down the Town Hall or destroying 50% of the buildings in that base. And that’s not easy when you take into account that there are much better and stronger bases up in the Master League compared to the lower leagues. While you also have to stress the need to win every raid to constantly obtain that loot bonus. If you’re not winning every raid, then you’re not benefiting much from farming here. Thus, unlike leagues such as the Silver or Gold where you don’t really have to focus on winning to farm, you’re going to have to really focus on winning at Masters.

So if you’re considering farming in the Master Leagues, then I highly recommend that you have one of the following:
  • Either an Archer Queen or Barbarian King to assist you. Having a Hero to farm in the Master Leagues is extremely crucial because you’re going to be placed in situations where you’re a few percentage points away from 50% and you have no backup to retrieve it.
  • If you don’t have a Hero, then I highly recommend boosting your Spell Factory and cooking Lightning Spells. Use the Lightning Spells mainly as a last resort to gain the extra percentage points for the win by destroying weakened buildings. Or destroying Builder Huts or Hero Altars with 1 shot. 
* It is critical that you have a backup plan. So you must also carry Clan Castle troops at all times as a last resort safety purpose.

What army should I use?

Now in order to effectively and efficiently farm in the Master League, you’re going to need an effective army that can get you the 50% win every raid and is also and efficient army you can quickly train and doesn’t cost much either. The most efficient army compositions consist of troops such as Barbarians, Archers, Minions, Goblins, and Giants.
  • Goblins only target collectors and storages, so they’re very ineffective for winning raids with 50%, so we’ll cross them out. 
  • Minions are great because they’re efficient and I’m a big advocator of using Minions for farming because of that, but Minions take up 2 housing spaces compared to Barbarians or Archers that take only 1. So that means having too many Minions will make it harder to 50% a base. However, Minions are very versatile as they can avoid defenses such as Cannons and Mortars or the Barbarian King. So they’re still effective, but you should really limit how many Minions you carry. If you wish to utilize Minions, then I suggest no more than 8 of them.
  • Giants are great for tanking, against point defenses such as Cannons, Archer Towers, Teslas, and Xbows. So you if you wish to utilize Giants, then you must also have your Archer Queen. Otherwise, Giants will only eat up your camp space as these guys are high housing space consumers. 1 Giant takes up 5 housing spaces.
So the 2 Army Composition I recommend for farming efficiently in the Master Leagues are:

1. Barch

  • Barrack 1 = All Barbarians
  • Barracks 2 to 4 = All Archers
  • 6 Wall Breakers (Optional)
  • 8 Minions (Optional)
  • Archer Queen and/or Barbarian King (Recommended)
  • Spells = Lightning Spells. If you are using your Archer Queen, then cook Rage Spells and Heal Spells instead. Also, carry 1 Poison Spell for safety against Clan Castle troops.
2. GiBarch

  • Barrack 1 = 2 Giants, 2 Wall Breakers, Rest Barbarians
  • Barracks 2 to 4 = 2 Giants, 2 Wall Breakers, Rest Archers.
  • You should have a total of 8 Giants and 8 Wall Breakers in your camp. Some Barbarians, and a bunch of Archers.
  • Archer Queen (MUST)
  • Spells = Rage Spells and Heal Spells. Also, carry 1 Poison Spell for safety against Clan Castle troops. 
Trophy Range

Farming anywhere in Masters is awesome due to the Loot Bonus. However, due to efficiency purposes, I don’t recommend going too high. Sure the Loot Bonus is more appealing at Masters 1 than Masters 3, but you need to take into account whether it’s efficient farming that high. And usually most of the time it isn’t. This is mainly because there are much more tougher bases the higher you go in Masters, so that means that you’re going to either fail to get 50% or search a lot longer for a good base to attack.

There are also less dead bases the higher you go up in the trophy leagues as the players up there are all mostly very active. So my favorite trophy range to farm is from 2550 to 2650 with the Masters 3 badge. As this is the range where you’ll find the most dead bases in Masters and also the weakest bases to 50% as well and even attack storages and get 50%.

The reason for this is that many people who aren’t ready to push simply move up to Masters 3 to obtain the achievement for 1000 gems or use inefficient armies with powerful troops to farm here. If I go too high and surpass 2650 trophies, then I quickly drop back to 2550 range. You want to avoid going too low since if you fall behind 2500 trophies, then you’ll lose the Masters 3 badge and quickly gaining back the 100 trophies can be annoying.

Target Resource
  • If you’re focusing on a good distribution of all 3 resources, then you should aim for at least 100,000 Gold, 100,000 Elixir, and 500 Dark Elixir along with the win. Winning by either 50% or taking out the Town Hall is a must as that will also earn you 100,00 each of Gold and Elixir and 500 more DE. Which means that you will be making at least 400,000 in total resource and 1000 Dark Elixir every raid.
  • If you’re focusing mainly on Dark Elixir and Gold and Elixir from the Loot Bonus, then you should aim for at least 1500 Dark Elixir and the 50% win. However, if you have an ample amount of trophies and can afford to lose trophies without falling below Masters, then you should target a DE Storage occupying at least 2000 Dark Elixir if it’s easy to get.
  • And remember, if you find a Town Hall outside the base, then you should definitely destroy it with a few troops for that sweet Loot Bonus.

You don’t need the best defenses to farm in the Master League, but it is important that you have decent level defenses if you constantly log off after raiding. So if you’re going to farm in the Master League, then you farm in long sessions rather than sporadically farming and logging off after every raid.
  • Also make sure to place your Town Hall outside if you’re a Town Hall 9 player or you’re going to get bullied by Town Hall 10s as there’s not much you can do against a full attack from a Town Hall 10 even if your defenses are maxed out. It’s much better to lose a few trophies than lose a bunch of resources.
  • While if you’re a Town Hall 10 player with Inferno Towers, then as long as you also have them set at Multi-Target mode, you can place your Town Hall inside and you’ll do a much better job at defending against heavy attacks and gain a few trophies if you’re in need of that. Otherwise, it’s still better to place your Town Hall outside as very few people will ever attack your base if you have Inferno Towers inside. They would much rather just take your Town Hall outside so they can get the great Loot Bonus.

Now here’s the most important part, and that is how to actually attack in Master League for farming. As I recommended, you should either use Barch or GiBarch to farm up here. So how do I attack with these compositions? Well I’ll share some examples of how I attack with them, but first it’s important that you understand the types of bases you should attack and how many buildings you will need to destroy to obtain the 50% win. The main point of farming in Master League is that you are able to 50% a base and not dive in to attack the Town Hall in the core. The reason for this is simple, collectors are usually always placed spread around the outside or inside of the base, so you’re going to have to mainly attack from all sides of the base, leaving you with very few troops to target the Town Hall in the core.

Here is a chart that I’ve created to help you guys discern how many buildings needed to be destroyed to obtain the 50% win.

Non-Defensive Buildings = Collectors/Drills, Barracks, Camps, Factories, Lab, Huts, Hero Altars

One interesting thing to note is that a little more than half the buildings are non-defensive units. So that means that if all the defenses are placed inside the base and all the non-defensive buildings are placed outside the base, then that base will be very easy to 50%.

Bases you should attack and bases you should avoid:

It is critical that you understand what type of bases you should attack and what bases you should avoid so you win every raid to obtain the loot bonus.

So I’m going to outline the main threat as it’s extremely important that you know what to watch out for:

1. Multi-Target Inferno Towers in range = This is perhaps the biggest threat of all. Inferno Towers have a 10 tile attack range, so if it’s a Multi-Target Inferno Tower that in range and is guarding the outside of the base, then you must avoid. Do not attack a base with Multi-Target Inferno Towers that our in range along the exterior of the base.

2. Barbarian King or Archer Queen outside = If they are active on defense and placed outside the base next to other defenses, then they can be very deadly. The reason for this is because they will pull and distract your troops towards them, and you definitely don’t want that especially if there is a Mortar or Wizard Tower next to the Hero as well as they will quickly kill a large number of your Barbarians and Archers.

3. Mortars in range = Mortars are lethal because of their splash damage which can harm a bunch of your troops at once and also has a 11 tile attack range. So it’s critical that you spread your Barbarians and Archers around as much as possible. It’s also critical that you always have Barbarians in front of your Archers so the Mortars don’t target and kill your Archers in 1 shot. Wizard Towers in range = Like Mortars, Wizard Towers also do splash damage so they are equally as dangerous. However, unlike Mortars, Wizard Towers have a 7 tile range so they are much easier to avoid with the range of your Archers.

4. Clan Castle = Clan Castle troops can be very annoying, but are actually quite easy to deal with. If the Clan Castle can be easily triggered with Barbarians, then always make sure to test to see whether there’s anything inside of it first. If it can’t be triggered, then that means it’s placed somewhere in the center of the base, and since we’re only interested in attacking the outsides of the base for 50%, we can ignore it. So try your best to not trigger the Clan Castle if it’s placed at the center.

5. Giant Bombs and Teslas outside = Giant Bombs are a huge threat only if you let them kill a whole bunch of your troops. You should always test for Giant Bombs on the outside of a base in the empty spaces before you spawn a whole bunch of troops. Teslas also share the same 2x2 tile space as a Giant Bomb and many bases in Masters have Teslas somewhere outside or around the outside of their base. When Teslas are combined with other rapid firing defenses such as Archer Towers or Xbows, they can be extremely deadly. The best way to predict whether there are Giant Bombs or Teslas outside a base to first check the inside of the base, whether that base has many empty 2x2 tile spaces inside of it. If there are a bunch of empty spaces at the core, then that base most likely has Teslas there and not the outside. While if the core or areas inside the base lacks empty 2x2 tile spaces, then that’s a good indication that Teslas and Giant Bombs may be placed outside the base.

Now obviously that’s a lot of threats to be worried about and you’re going to be searching for a very long time to find a base if you’re trying to avoid all those threats. However, this is not a list of threats you should avoid entirely, but a list of threats you need to watch out for on the exterior parts of the base. Because your main focus should be attacking the outsides of a base for 50% and if possible, also go for the Dark Elixir Storage if it’s close by inside the base.

This will the end of the first part of this guide which outlines all the general knowledge you need to have about farming in the Master League.

Master League Attack Guide:

Source: http://forum.supercell.net/showthread.php/764014-Ash-s-Ultimate-Master-League-Farming-Guide

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