
Blade and Soul Online Hell Furnace Complete Strategy Guide (Boss Skills and Stage Mechanics)

Credits: Blade & Soul: Hell Furnace Guide by chaose5 (freedomplays.com)

Hello and welcome to the Blade and Soul Online Hell Furnace guide. In this page, you will learn every boss skills and stage mechanics, and of course, tips and strategies on how to avoid those big boss skills and finish each task, in each stage of Hell Furnace.

Let's Begin!

Elite Monster 1: Golem

HP: 14, 800, 000

This monster is not a boss, so it has no berserk timer. There will be other zombie mobs coming out from the side of the area and run toward the Golem. The zombie will explode after a while and deal very high damage.

Leave a few party members to guard the entrance where the zombies are coming out from and kill all of them. The zombie will disappear if they are disabled when they are about to explode. The main tanker should stay within 3m from the Golem or else it will cast an AOE suction.

Also, avoid the lava on the floor throughout the battle.

Elite Monster 2: Giant

Lure the Giant to the entrance of the passage, but do not cross the gate as it will be reset.

Once the battle starts, fire will start moving from the other end of the passage towards the entrance. The Giant need to be killed within 1 minute, before the fire reaches the party.

Boss 1: Juer

HP: 81, 500, 000

Normal Attack

The attack animation of this boss is very similar to the final boss of Black Dragon Prison. Keep the boss at the middle of the area. The boss often teleport away but it will teleport back to the tanker immediately. The boss can be binded in place with warlock or summoner skill.

If the boss is located near the edge of the map, when the fire wall come out, it will touch the boss immediately (see below). Therefore, it is important to keep the boss at the middle.

HP < 98%: Fire Wall

The boss will shoot 4 x projectiles; the damage is very low. At this moment, the boss can be disabled, but it requires 4 x skills. A fire wall will appear at a random edge of the area and start sweeping across the field.

The disabling skills must induce 4 x stun or weaken ( DO NOT use knockdown). It is important to use a longer duration disabling skills as the 1st skill since it dictates the duration for which the boss can be followed up with the subsequent 3 skills. The last skill is the one which dictates the duration of the status inflicted.

After the boss is stun or weaken, flip the boss up into the air so that it does not touch the fire wall which should will be sweeping pass the field. For beginners, try to keep the boss in the air for as long as possible, with skills such as web of assassin, or floating skill of blade master or lyn blade master. For experienced team, you can probably just flip the boss once at the right time to ensure the fire wall does not touch it.

If the boss touches the fire wall, it will heal 5% HP. If the boss touches the fire wall up to 3 times, the boss will go berserk immediately and cause party wipe.

Players can use iframe to resist the fire wall. If any players touches the fire wall, a burn status will be applied; stackable up to 3 layers. Burn status inflicts damage over time to players, but it can be dispelled by Force Master’s skill. The duration of the burn status is 1 minute.

The fire wall will happen at regular intervals after that.

HP 90%/60%/30%: Flower & Marking

The boss will jump to middle and 8 flowers will be spawned (see figures below).

The boss will use 3 x large area slash on the aggro holder; the damage is dependent on the burn status on the victim. If you have no burn status, you will not sustain any damage at all. If you have 3 stack of burn status, you will be killed.

Here, assign 3 members to step on the flower. 2 of them step on 3 flowers each, while 1 assigned marker steps on 2 flowers ONLY. The assigned members who steps on 2 flowers stay furthest from the boss so that he will be marked. The rest of the parties, including the 2 persons who have stepped on 3 flowers go near the boss.

Take note that, the flower will deal damage. Blade Master sword protection or damage resist skills can prevent the damage done by the flower.

First, i will explain how the boss mechanics works, then followed by the various methods to do the mechanics properly. After marking, the boss will cast a skill with circular aoe on the marker. Subsequently, he will lift all visible party members to the air and absorb the flower buff. Finally, the boss will drop the lifted members to the ground & deal damage.

If there are 3 layers of flower buffs on the player, the HP boss will be reduced 7%. There will be 2 person with 3 layers of flower buff, which deal 14% damage to the boss.

If there are 1 or 2 layers of flower buffs on the player, the boss will absorb it and heal 5% HP per layer (total 10%). If there are any remaining flowers on the floor, the boss will absorb it as well and heal 5% per flower.

There are many ways to do this mechanics properly to ensure that the HP boss of the boss is decreased by 14%. The party members who are lifted must NOT be damaged for this HP reduction mechanics to work.

Assassin alone:
Assassin is assigned to be the marker & step on the 2 flowers. When the boss use the circle aoe skill, use iframe to resist it and go into invisible mode himself immediately. Since all other party members are visible to the boss, all of them will be lifted by the boss. At this moment, the assassin get near them and use party invisible skill to prevent them from being damage. (see video below)

Summoner alone:
Summoner is assigned to be the marker & step on the 2 flowers. When the circular skill is about to hit the summoner, he need to use dandelion in advance to turn invisible at the last second. Since all other party members are visible to the boss, all of them will be lifted by the boss. At this moment, the summoner get near them and use party invisible skill to prevent them from being damage.

Summoner + Blade Master 1:
Summoner is assigned to be the marker & step on the 2 flowers. When the circular skill is about to hit the summoner, he need to use dandelion to turn himself invisible. Blade Master who is at the middle with other party members, use Sword Protection BEFORE all of them (including himself) are lifted by the boss. Nobody will be damaged due to the damage resist from Sword Protection.

Summoner/Assassin + Blade Master 2:
Blade Master is assigned to be the marker & go step on the 2 flowers. When the circular skill is about to hit the Blade Master, Summoner/Assassin need to use party invisible skill to turn himself and the Blade Master invisible. The other party members who are visible to the boss will be lifted. At this moment, Blade Master go to them and use Sword Protection to resist the damage to all members.

Summoner/Assassin + Force Master:
Force Master is assigned to be the marker & go step on the 2 flowers. When the circular skill is about to hit the Force Master, Summoner/Assassin need to use party invisible skill to turn himself and the Force Master invisible. The other party members who are visible to the boss will be lifted. At this moment, Force Master go to them and use party Freeze to resist the damage to members.

And many more strategies.

The marking & flower mechanics will occur at HP 90%, 60%, 30%. If the mechanics is performed properly, the total damage to the boss will be 14% x 3 = 42%.

Boss 2: Mugan

HP: 77, 000, 000

The final boss has a weird stage mechanics, which requires you to control the 4 arrow switches to direct the balls into 8 inlet holes. The balls moves according to the directions of the arrow switches at the junctions. Once all the 8 balls have been directed into the holes, the boss will be cooled. Failure to do so will result in party wipe when the boss become overheated.

Role assignment:
Tanker – typically Blade Master or Kungfu Master; need to keep the boss at the middle of the field Binder: typically Summoner/Warlock/Force Master/Kungfu Master. Bind/Freeze the boss at the middle when he attempts to jump. Marker x 2: 2 closest members to the boss will be marked every 25sec; markers can adjust the arrow switches by touching it; need to ensure that the 8 balls are directed into the 8 holes.

Normal Attack

Left Swipe x 2 > Right Swipe > Tail Swipe (back) > Wing Strike (front)

Random skills: Fire breath, Spinning Attack x 3, Burst, Guard (can be grabbed), AOE attack (can be disabled with 4 x skills).

Jumping Attack

Jump to furthest member > Fire Breath at tanker > Jump to tanker

Assign 1 member to stand 16m away (outside of the ball railings) at all times. When Mugan is about to jump towards him, use chain/bind/freeze skill to keep the boss in place. Although the boss does not move, the damage will still be applied to the furthest member. Resist it accordingly.

When the boss lands after being binded, if the tanker is behind the boss, the boss will do nothing for a few seconds. After that, he will use fire breath and followed by jumping at tanker.

Burst Mode

The boss will go into Burst Mode after every cycle. The normal attack mode is changed to burst mode attack, with higher speed & damage.

Left Swipe x 2 > Right Swipe > Tail Swipe (back) > Wing Strike (front) > Spin x 3 > Fire Breath

Random skills: Burst, Jump to tanker


Mugan will mark 2 persons every 25sec. 3 seconds after the message of “Hot Core” is shown, the nearest 2 members will be marked. The duration of the marking status is 20 sec.

The 2 makers can adjust the 4 arrow switches by touching them. The arrow switch rotates clock-wise upon contact with the marker. Balls are released from the outlet port at regular intervals; the first 4 release 1 ball each, followed by 2 balls for 2 times, i.e. 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 2 + 2 = 8.

After 8 balls are released, 1 cycle is completed. There are up to 4 cycles in total: 1st & 2nd take 3 minute while 3rd & 4th take 1min 40sec. The ball release order for 3rd & 4th cycle is different: 2 +2 + 2 + 2 = 8.

For a high DPS party, the 4th cycle can be ignored and the boss can be killed before he becomes overheated. For average party, you will need to complete 4 cycles.

Fire circle will appear on the markers and applies burn status to the markers and anyone around it. The burn status can be stacked and deal damage over time. Therefore, try not to stand near the marker and markers cannot stand near to each other.

The burn status is dispelled after every cycle.

Ball Guiding

The balls are produced from the 4 outlet ports (marked by triangle) randomly. The ideal starting arrow position is as shown in the figure.

The key to efficient ball guiding is to ensure that the ball travels the shortest distance and go into the inlet holes (squares in the figure). Once the 2 nearest holes are filled up, adjust the arrow to point towards the adjacent inlet holes.

The balls cannot be touched by either the boss or players, otherwise it will explode and party wipe awaits when the boss overheats.

After every cycle is completed, try to adjust the arrow back to the ideal directions to facilitate the ball guiding at the next cycle.

Do not stand on the switch for too long as it will cause the arrow to turn more than you need. Just touch it and leave.

* Tanker needs to ensure that they are at least 3m away from the boss so that he will not be marked.
* The boss regenerates 40K HP every 2 second; ensure Bleed status is applied at all times.

Source: http://www.freedomplays.com/blade-soul-hell-furnace-guide

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