Xposed for Samsung Lollipop V5.1.1 NOTE 3 SM-9005
3 months after the first functional Xposed for Lollipop by @rovo89 was introduced,
now here comes *somewhat* functional Xposed for Samsung Lollipop firmware.
Embrace yourself.Baca Juga
/* Technical background */
Why were Samsung users left out of the Xposed party?
Because Samsung has massively customized ART runtime included in their firmwares compared to AOSP.
And plus, because the system partition has so little space left, they have additionally implemented xz decompression on top of ART.Those 2 main reasons has differentiated Samsung's ART from the rest of the ROM's ART.
More technical information on post 2.
/* Disclaimer */
Your warranty is now void.
I am not responsible for bricked devices, dead SD cards,
thermonuclear war, or you getting fired because the alarm app failed. Please
do some research if you have any concerns about features included in this project
before flashing it! YOU are choosing to make these modifications, and if
you point the finger at me for messing up your device, I will laugh at you. Hard. A lot.
/* Prerequisite */
Due to my skills limitation, only deodex'ed ROMs are supported for now.
For more explanations, checkout post 2.
/* Supported firmwares */
Every ARMv7(32-bit) Samsung Lollipop Android 5.0 deodex'ed firmware should work.
But please note that I have tested this only on Galaxy S4, Note 3 and S5.
64-bit devices or Android 5.1 is not supported.
/* Before you download ... */
Donate to @rovo89
Show your thanks to @_riddle
Without these people, this would not have been possible at all.
Drop a couple bucks to this fundraiser for extending this support to arm64(namely the Galaxy S6 and beyond) / Android 5.1.
/* Download */
Attached below on XDA
Users with TWRP are reporting errors. I personally recommend CWM or PhilZ Touch recovery.
/* How to install */
1. No matter what you do, back-up first.
2. Install XposedInstaller app from http://forum.xda-developers.com/show....php?t=3034811
3. Flash the attached Xposed framework zip on the custom recovery.That's the post that i search for my gadget when i need xposed framework, so i just copy paste the first post and let you know who is in charged, i am just sharing for my own blog that i still have the back up when i need it, but because i am already post this blog i should let you know , it is true or no !
If you need the file there is i have the link
For CM 12.1 Note3 SM-9005 HLTE Click Here
For Lollipop Firmware Official From Sammobile Click Here
For Xposed V5.1.1 SDK22 Click Here
Yeah i need thank's to Rovo89, and Cm 12
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