
Cabal 2: Thoughts After the OBT Held on Korea!

Hi guys! I have received yet another news from one of the game that I am most excited of, Cabal 2. This time around, we will see some thoughts after the Open Beta Testing held on Korea. 

To be exact, we will hear the thoughts of the developer on what are their opinion on the upcoming sequel of Cabal. In addition, we will also hear from them on how they can compare Cabal 2 from Cabal 1. And lastly, the developer will talk about some features of the game that can be seen from Cabal 1 and, some other features that is new and yet to be seen in Cabal 2. So, let's take a loot on the OBT Q&A held on South Korea.

Note: The Q&A you will see below came from http://blog.naver.com/kaiser217. It is translated to the english language using google translate and, some translation may be a little bit off the chart if you know what I mean :).

Q. What's your opinion about Cabal 2? 
A. Cabal 2 - max Lvl is 30 atm and it's OBT right now. There are still many bugs and inconvenient things but it's being fixed bit by bit. Battlemode and Max Lvl to 50 with 2 battlefield and etc will be released till next year January latest. My opinion about Cabal2 is Stressful but also Enjoyable and hopeful. 

Q. Thank you for the information. How long did you need to reach the current max level? And could you compare it to Cabal Online? 

Baca Juga

A. I'm a huge fan of Cabal Online even though I do not play it anymore. I play warrior char, it took me like 1 week to reach Lvl 30. But for other classes like Force Archer and Force Blader takes only 5 days to reach Lvl 30. 

Compare to Cabal 1 Online many people will wonder about skill tree and combo system. Well Skill tree has some change and Combo gauge is gone in Cabal2. Skill tree is more simpler then Cabal 1 and you can upgrade skill when you Lvl up. 

Cabal 2 has Dungeon Point.(if you kill Last boss of DG u gain DG point) 

Honor point (gain from battleground and you can buy pvp items or riding vehicle atm it's only riding vehichle is bug and animals). 

Last but not least, there is Den point Den point: you can gain it from daily den quest, with den point you can buy rare items. 
Also there are many different systems compare to Cabal1 Such as you can watching other person clearing dungeon from their view. This mode can help you to gain indirect experience about dungeons. 

Oh yes there are battlemode like Cabal 1 and cool riding Bike. But it's not released yet. It probablly will be released in next year Jan latest. 

There are 5 types of itmes: normal, rare, epic, unique, legendOnly to Epic item is released atm. Epic item can only be gained by Field Boss Mob, Dungeon Boss and Dungeon Treasure Box. But the chance is freaking rare that I never had chance to get mine. I saw other classes items but not mine. 

Like I said there are 5 types of Items, but there are prefix to items that each items option is different and even though it's same prefix items, option is random.

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