
Meet and Greet the Classes of Cabal 2

Hi guys! Welcome once again. As what I have said yesterday, I will post here in my blog the different classes which will be available in Cabal 2. As we all know, Korea is already on its Open Beta while SEA and Europe are still waiting for a possible summer 2013 release and a 2013 or 2014 release respectively. Once the game is release in your country, the very first classes of Cabal 2 includes: Warrior, Wizard, Force Blader, Force Archer, Force Shielder and the newest class, the Priest. In this page you will know the very first information about these classes. This will include the difficulty of use, their strengths and weaknesses, the weapon of their choice, their origin and some other first glance features of each class.

So, without further ado, let's meet and greet the very first characters of Cabal 2.

Difficulty of Use: Normal
Weapon of Choice: Sword, Chain
Armor: Heavy

Born from the Western Continent, they share the same root as Force Shielders.
Instead of carrying a shield, they use a gigantic two-handed sword with sheer destructive power. They look more violent than Force Shielders, but they have the spirit of chivalry and pursue moderation in swordsmanship.

Warrior Introduction

They have the same roots as the Force Shielders, but focuses more on dealing damage then on pure defense. If they are on the battlefield, they increase the morale of friendly fighters and causes fear of it's foes. Every empire in the continent have warriors in their army.

Warrior Features

They use heavy bayonet as a melee DPS class, and heavy armor for protection against damage. They are slower, but they have a very strong attack, with a wide-area of effect. Because of their various type of defensive abilities they have less overall defensive ability.

Difficulty of Use: Normal
Weapon of Choice: Staff
Armor: Cheonot
This character class had branched off from the class of priests.
They're the ones who had refused to be a part of the Holy Curia or any other religious sects for that matter, and they founded a school soon after becoming independent。 They have relatively low vitality and defense, but they can manipulate the energy of the Force and contain them with spells.
They attack by casting spells. The higher the level of spell, the more destruction it can cause.

About Wizard

They deny to belong to a particular Order.They lack in stamina or armor but they are efficient and have a superior firepower. They are a big support on the battlefield.

Wizard Features

Their defensive ability is low, because it has a ranged attack, and they have a variety of skills to control powerful destruction. They have the biggest DPS of all classes.

Force Blader
Difficulty of Use: Hard
Weapon of Choice: Blade, Orb
Armor: Leather

Their Force Artifacts are special swords added with the Force that maximizes the potential of their weapon. Especially, they are skillful in neutralizing the Force attacks of the opponents. The destructive power varies according to one's Force potential, and some sink into the eternal darkness as they continue on with their training.

Ordinary people without the natural talents have to resort to using Force Artifacts, made with Force Stones, to use the Force. When the Force Artifacts are used by the born users of the Force, they come to yield some serious destructive power. Force Archers and Force Bladers are the classes of the Old Empire who were specifically trained to use such Force Artifacts.

About Force Blader

They use Force artifacts, and special skills maximize the potential of the weapon they use. They depend on their individual Force potential and require a deep understanding of the Force.

Force Blader Features

They can handle almost all situations, with a great variety of skills that can fit any situation. Unlike other classes they have in addition to their resources the benefit of a battle charge.

Force Archer
Difficulty of Use: Very Hard
Weapon of Choice: Bow, Orb
Armor: Leather

They attack with bow, which is one of the Force Artifacts that shoots arrows formed by high concentration of energy. They use various battle gears that has been inspired by the technology of the Old Empire. They show extremely fast attack speed.

They are the restored version of the most powerful and respected class of the Old Empire. This restoration is regarded as the most outstanding achievement of the Reinfeldt Force Training School. One must be born with the natural talent to use the Force.

About Force Archer

Armed forces to restore the empire. They use their special bow which is a kind of Force artifact that can create an energy-intensive chain of arrows to attack. The empire techniques utilize a variety of combat equipment and auxiliary tools to restore their very fast attack speed. They invest time to understand their artifacts not the force itself.

Force Archer Features

As a ranged DPS class they use a bow. Compared to Wizards their damage is weak, but they can unleash powerful attacks in certain conditions. Beside their attack skills they have in addition various control skills because they need fine-grained skill control.
Force Shielder
Difficulty of Use: Normal
Weapon of Choice: Sword, Shield
Armor: Heavy

They form the majority of the Royal Guards and Imperial Army in the Main Continent.
They have added the Force to their combat skills, enabling them to command the other members on the front line of the battlefield. They carry a gigantic shield that1 s so heavy that normal people can't even lift, and use it to protect themselves and other team members. They also have great sword fighting skills, making them a subject of envy to many Force trainees.

About Force Shielder

They are armed with a shield and a giant sword, and serve in the Imperial army as Imperial bodyguards. They are the backbone of the Imperial armed forces.They have virtues of leadership that is the most needed in the battlefield, sometimes it's more important than the armed forces of the individual.

Force Shielder Features

They are high stamina and armor class tankers, and use Heavy Armor and Shield against damage. They can be called weak compared to other classes, but in addition to the basic defensive skills they have skills that maximizes the ability to defend and protect allies for a short period of time.

Difficulty of Use: Easy
Weapon of Choice: Force Tome, Crystal
Armor: Cheonot

Born from the Western Continent, only the members of the Holy Curia can train to become a priest and join this character class.

They maximize and use their inner faith by borrowing the power of the Magic Book that's said to include a map of the Force that flows in this world. They live up to the basic doctrine of the Holy Curia, which is to protect others and avoid destruction, by using the skills that heal the wounded.

About Priest

Faithful to the basic doctrine that guides to avoid destruction and protect others. They operate only belonging to Holy Curia and can borrow the strength of the "Tome of the Force". Their inner faith maximizes their strength and gives them the power to heal wounds.

Priest Features

Uses heal and buff skills as a universal healer. They are dressed in cheonot (martial?) thats why their the ability to defend itself is relatively low. They stand out in healing and survival. The proper use of it's powers can protect the life of the party members.

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