
"C9 Online"- A Brand New Addictive MMORPG

The era of point-and-click MMORPG games are slowly fading away. This time, we welcome the new breed of online games which is packed with more intense real-time action with RPG elements which will surely blow your mind away. One of these new breed of MMORPG is the Continent of the Ninth Seal or also know as C9 Online.

C9 is a fantasy-based action RPG which showcases splendid detailed graphics, strategic battle zone system and story driven quests. It's more like Dragon Nest that offers non-targeting (not point-and-click) based combat mechanics combined with precise controls. The only difference is, everything in the world of C9 is highly detailed in 3D, like the characters, NPC's, Monsters and even the terrains. Just imagine a Final Fantasy world in front of you!

The world of C9 is pretty massive despite of the fact that its a very new online game. You can explore tons of dungeons and locations to finish 2,186 quests across five continents in C9. In this game, you'll be diving into instant dungeons like Dragon Nest and, like DN, mobs in each dungeons can be tough and mean with tons of tricks to hasten your death. This is what I like about this kind of online games. They make grinding/leveling more fun and challenging as the monsters you'll fight will not only just punch you over and over again and then, you hit back until someone finally falls down. It has that element of surprise as the monsters has different attacks and you must evade each of them with perfect timing to avoid dying. In short, this isn't your typical boring online game. In terms of player-to-player combats, it also allow players to learn their combos well and then utilize them to unleash devastating attacks and of course, there is the evasion or cancel moves which can break out chain combos at any seconds to perform miraculous counterattacks. These features alone makes the game addictive as it features real-time gameplay where you almost do everything to kill your opponents and not just click and click and skill until your target dies. 

In terms of characters, players can choose from four different classes with their own very unique job advancement. You can choose to become a Fighter, Shaman, Witch Blade or a Hunter in the game, and when you have reached level 10, you'll be gaining your first job transfer and after level 20, you'll have to choose your second job transfer. I will post a different page for the characters info later this week so stay tuned in this blog. For now, let's talk more about the characters in the game only this time, on how awesome the customization of characters is, in C9 online. In this game, the character customization is very detailed. There are lots of choices on how you want your character to look like, ranging from creating the perfect gorgeous fact, to actually like, creating the perfect body for your character. However, you can't pick the gender of your character and that's the only downside of it. Well, I think it's not totally a downside for as men as we can create the perfect girl of our dreams!

For almost a week now I've been playing with C9 Online (US SERVER) and based from my experience, the game is really that great! Its 3D graphics has lured my from trying out the game and the whole gameplay experience keeps me from playing it everyday! It's that addictive!

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If you want to register an account for C9 Online, then go to this page. And if you already have an account, add me in the game! I'm at US SERVER, a level 19 Elite Witch Blade (so far) with the name of DevilsMaiden. See you there!

To get you more motivated/pumped up in playing the game, you can check out a few videos below. It's not mine as I'm currently at low level and there's nothing I can show off yet but, the vids below will tell you how awesome Continent of the Ninth (C9) is!

Want to download the C9 Online now? You can go here to download the full game client.

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